CWA of Virginia Urges You to Pray and Act on Two State Pro-Life Bills

By January 26, 2011Virginia

On January 20, 2011, Concerned Women for America of Virginia traveled to the state Capitol in Richmond, Virginia to lobby for life. After a briefing and assignment of legislators to visit, the four teams went to task.

Over 40 legislators were contacted and asked to support HB 1428 Abortion Clinics, Licensure and Regulations which was patroned by Delegate Dickie Bell (R-20, Augusta). This bill has only three simple conditions: an annual inspection, a requirement of life saving equipment on premises, and licensure by a state regulatory agency. As we were there, we learned that HB 1428 was reported out of the House Health, Welfare and Institutions on a 15-6 vote. On January 25, 2011, the bill was engrossed and a full House vote may come in the next few days.

Another bill we asked the legislators to support was HB 1440 Inalienable Right to Life. This is being patroned by Robert Marshall (R-13, Manassas). This bill would provide a step toward expanding the state’s wrongful death statue to encompass all unborn children. This bill has been referred to the Courts of Justice Committee. We will send information as this bill moves through the legislative process.

Your prayers and action are needed!

Please be praying for the success of both of these pieces of legislation.

Please contact your delegate and ask them to vote yes for HB1428. Don’t delay, contact them immediately! Click here to find out who your delegate is and how to contact him/her.

For Life,

Janet Robey
State Director
CWA of Virginia