CWA Of North Dakota Responds to Lawsuits Filed Today Against The State’s Ban on Abortions

By July 15, 2013North Dakota

Today, the Red River Women’s abortion facility in Fargo filed lawsuit against North Dakota’s ban on sex selection and genetic defect abortions, as well as the law that prohibits abortion after a detectable heartbeat. These laws were passed with bi-partisan support in the North Dakota Legislature and should have gone into effect August 1, 2013.

It is not a surprise that this litigation comes from the North Dakota abortion industry, but it is certainly sad to see that once again they defy the will of the people as well as science. North Dakota has acted on the side of science by acknowledging, by law, that there is an innocent life being taken every time we silence a heartbeat through abortion. And the fact that discrimination against the disabled and women in the womb is heralded by the Red River “Women’s” Clinic through this litigation should be a wake-up call for all North Dakotans. CWA of North Dakota urges all to stand with truth, justice and science and support these laws that are being challenged. We want a culture of life to be heralded, not outdated unscientific talking points from an industry that destroys innocent lives. The courts must side with science and allow these laws to stand.