CWA of North Dakota Legislative Update – March 28, 2011

By March 28, 2011North Dakota

Status of HB 1450

It is still in the Senate Judiciary Committee. CWA has clearly stated that the hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on this bill did no go according to our expectations, and CWA of North Dakota was unable to give testimony at this hearing due to time limitations. The fact that out of state organizations demanded most of the time of the proponents for this bill is disturbing. We did not give out written testimony to committee members, but have visited with most of the Senators expressing our support for the original bill as well as some of the amendments offered. This process is still ongoing, and we will ascertain whether CWA can continue to support this bill pending amendments. Some opponents are insisting on adding language that expressly allows the destruction of human embryos. Amendments are being discussed in an effort to find a compromise agreeable to those who are opposed to the bill in its current form and those who support the bill in its current form. We, along with our pro-Life coalition, hope to find a workable solution so that the protection of the unborn is at the forefront of this process at all times!

HB 1229 Relating to abstinence-based concepts within the school health curriculum

The full Senate will probably vote on the bill on Monday March 28. We are hoping for floor amendments to improve the bill as the House Education committee eliminated practically all of the language in the bill.

HB 1297 Abortion Enforcement Enhancement Act

This bill is still in Senate Human Services Committee. CWA testified in favor of this legislation and supports this bill as it stands currently. Planned Parenthood strongly opposes this legislation as it would cut deeply into the practices and income of the abortion industry.