CWA of North Carolina presents – 2010 Get Out the Vote Campaign for Churches and Pastors

By March 3, 2010North Carolina

“Pray for kings and all those in authority.” – I Timothy 2:1, 2

“When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice. But when the wicked rule the people groan.” – Proverbs 29:2

We want to inspire churches and pastors to pray, educate and take action by encouraging others to vote in the November election. There are several ways churches and pastors can do this. CWA of North Carolina, with your help, wants to serve the churches and pastors of North Carolina by providing them with inspiration, encouragement, resources, and practical assistance. Won’t you join us?!

Please see the attached flyer. Our hope is that you will join with us in this campaign by making an appointment with at least one pastor and encouraging him to take the steps listed on the attached flyer.

Your potential commitment:

  • Read the attached flyer.
  • Pray and ask the Lord what part you are to play in this campaign.
  • Make an appointment with a local pastor, preferably your own. Ask for just 15 20 minutes of his time. Do your best to stick to this time unless he indicates otherwise.
  • Bring the attached flyer and information, Political Guidelines for Churches and Pastors.
  • Consider bringing a plate of cookies or brownies for the office. You would be surprised how this opens doors.
  • Bring with you 25 voter registration forms that you can obtain through your local Board of Elections office. If he doesn’t want to have an official voter registration table, he can consider simply telling the congregation that there are voter registration forms in the back for those interested.
  • Consider offering to oversee a voter registration table in your church lobby Sunday mornings in August and September.

Contact us today if you are considering being part of this campaign. We are here to answer any question you might have and assist you in making this campaign a success.

Contact us today at (704) 542-6984 or!
We need to hear from you by July 1 at the latest.