CWA of Missouri February 2022 Events

By January 31, 2022Missouri

Concerned Women for America of Missouri February Events:

  1. Pastor and Faith Leaders Symposium
  2. Bill Federer Branson
  3. Bill Federer Marshfield
  4. Branson Prayer/Action Chapter Meeting
  5. Difficult Conversations: Child Exploitation
  6. CWA of Missouri Springfield Metro Area Prayer/Action Chapter Meeting

 #1 Pastor and Faith Leader’s Symposium

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri, Back on Track America, and Christians United for Political Action (CUPA) have joined together to host a complimentary Pastors and Faith Leaders Symposium on the foundation and evolution of Critical Race Theory (CRT). There is no charge, but registration is required.

Event Details:
Date: Saturday, February 5
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Oasis Conference Center, 2546 North Glenstone, Springfield, MO
Who: Pastors and Faith Leaders are invited to attend.
Symposium Registration: Register for the symposium and lunch by Wednesday, January 26, 2022, by texting, or calling, 417-425-1167, or by email at Please include all the names, the number attending, church affiliations and positions, if applicable, and your contact information, including your address.

Lodging: Complimentary overnight lodging is available on a limited basis. Call Bev Ehlen at 314-608-0168, to inquire about lodging.

Please invite your pastor or faith leader to this free symposium, which includes lunch and limited overnight lodging.

#2 Bill Federer Branson

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri and Back on Track America invite you to hear American Minute Radio Host Bill Federer speak on Why America is Unique and Irreplaceable.

Event Details:
Date: Sunday, February 6
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Friendly Baptist Church, located at 2751 Kirkland Drive in Branson, MO.
Who: Men, women, and teens are invited.
Contact: Haven Howard 417-263-0423

#3 Bill Federer Marshfield
Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri invites you to hear American Minute Radio Host Bill Federer speak on The Sanctity of Human Life.

Event Details
Date: Sunday, February 6
Time: 10:15 a.m.
Location: Marshfield Assembly of God, 1538 W. Washington Street, Marshfield, MO 65076
Who: Men, women, and teens are invited.
Contact: Alissa Johnson 417-343-9262 

#4 Branson Prayer/Action Chapter Meeting
The Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri Taney County Prayer/Action Chapter invites you to their February meeting.

The guest speaker will be Noah Prahlow. Noah has been involved in politics and public policy since he was a teenager. He is married, and has one child, with one on the way. He will share his testimony.

There will also be a discussion of the book: The 5,000 Year Leap: Principle 8 – Man’s Unalienable Rights.

Event Details:
Date: Tuesday, February 8
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: 135 River Lane, Branson, MO
Contact: For additional information contact Haven Howard at 417-263-0425 

#5 Difficult Conversations: Child Exploitation 
Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri recommends attending Difficult Conservation: Doesn’t Need to Be Uncomfortable to Have, hosted by Katie Lyczak 4 Kids.

Hear experts in the field of child advocacy discuss:
Prevention, Education, and Resources on Child Sexual Exploitation, with Stefanie Kaiser, Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Coordinator at the Child Advocacy Center

Turning Point: Creating A Value Based Culture, with Brenda Saxe, from Key Connections Coaching

The Dangers of Pornography: The Silent Epidemic, with Alissa Johnson, Concerned Women for America of Missouri Legislative Liaison, and advocate for the Protect Young Minds Online Act.

Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, February 9
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: 18 North Central Drive, O’Fallon, MO.
Contact: Alissa Johnson 417-343-9262

#6 CWA OF Missouri Springfield Prayer/Action Chapter Meeting
The Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri Springfield Metro Area Prayer/Action Chapter invites you to their February meeting.

The guest speaker will be Springfield City Councilwoman Angela Romine. Romine will present an update on current items on the council agenda. We will also take this opportunity to encourage and pray for her.


Should read current items on the council agenda.

In addition, we will review current federal, state, and local Concerned Women for America action. Please bring a friend.

Event Details:
Date: Saturday, February 19
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Location: Walkabout Coffee Shop, 1860 N. Commercial Drive, Nixa, MO
Contact: Tracey Dougan 417-766-2281