CWA of Missouri Celebrates Removal of NDAA Provision Drafting Our Daughters

By December 9, 2021Missouri

Concerned Women for America of Missouri (CWA) thanks Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) and Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Missouri) for their part in championing the removal of harmful language requiring women to register for the Selective Service from the FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). We are grateful for their steadfast leadership.

Rep. Hartzler had this to say about the NDAA provision:

“The NDAA provision which forced women to register for the draft was never about improving military readiness. Instead, it passed through committee under the misplaced guise of ‘equality,’ imposing a woke ideology on our troops rather than meeting the current needs of our military.

Women are not chess pieces in a political game. They are doctors, lawyers, engineers, and already valuable members of our all-volunteer force. I applaud the removal of this unnecessary provision and am grateful to see reasonable minds come together to join me in resisting this effort.”

You can read Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee’s entire press release here and more information on CWALAC’s efforts on the Don’t Draft Our Daughters issue here.

CWA of Missouri applauds all members of Congress who  rejected the shameful fallacy that Congress must rubber stamp the social experimentation of our military to secure critical funding for our troops and national security.

We are thrilled that our leaders have chosen to respect women and their role in serving our nation without sacrificing our daughters on the altar of political correctness. Thank you for eliminating language to draft women.

Please continue to pray for our state and national legislators as they continue to stand for biblical values in all levels of public policy.

Bev Ehlen
State Director