CWA of Indiana Urges You to Make Your Voice Heard

By February 15, 2013Indiana

Your voice needs to be heard, immediately, for the cause of liberty! The Indiana Senate is casting a critical vote this coming Tuesday, February 19, 2013.

The issue at hand is the Common Core Standards system, something that has grave consequences for our constitutional system, for education, and for the right of parents to shepherd the upbringing of their children.

The federal government and special interests foisted the national Common Core Standards system on the states through the 2009 Stimulus Bill. It came to us without a federal or state legislative vote. It requires the state to turn over massive amounts of private family and student information. It imposes a huge fiscal burden on the states. And with respect to quality, it requires the teaching of “fuzzy math,” it greatly reduces the teaching of classic literature in favor of “informational texts,” and it rests on writing standards that are poorly coordinated with its reading standards! What’s more the groups that drafted the English and math standards are now working on science, civics and social studies standards.

But there is good news. Senate Bill 193, sponsored by Sen. Scott Schneider (R-Indianapolis), gives Indiana a path out of the Common Core system. The bill would require the state board of education and the department of education to go back to the drawing board. And this time they cannot avoid the people. They will have to hold hearings in each of Indiana’s congressional districts, and they will have to get the input of parents and content experts. In other words, they will have to do the things that good governance and transparency require. They will have to abide by a process that honors, not denigrates, our founding and our citizens.

If passed, this will be a huge victory for Indiana’s parents and children. It will affirm our founding principles. And, it will give confidence to the growing efforts in other states.

Will you immediately take a moment to do one or both of the following:

1. Call your state senator and ask them to vote yes on Sen. Schneider’s bill. Click here is to find your state senator.

2. Call Gov. Mike Pence (317-232-4567) and ask him to back Sen. Schneider’s bill.

Please take a moment and stand for liberty. This is a take-back of our liberties. It is an effort that can, and is, being won in the statehouses across America,

Thank you!