CWA of Georgia Members Represented at the State Capitol

CWA of Georgia state leaders lobbied at the state capitol this week against H.B. 630, a bill that seeks to change the Georgia non-discrimination code for public employees to include civil right status and special protections for “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” H.B. 630 was introduced by State Rep. Karla Drenner (D – Avondale Estates) in the latter part of the 2011 legislative session and is assigned to the House Judiciary Committee.

It is very important that H.B. 630 not have the opportunity of a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee. CWA of Georgia strongly opposes the government granting special protected “minority” status to those who define themselves by aberrant sexual preferences and changeable sexual behavior. However, Judiciary Chairman Wendell Willard (R-Sandy Springs) does not feel the same way and told us the bill will get a hearing. Click here to read our letter of concern to Rep. Willard.

Consider the following:

“Sexual orientation” includes a list of over 23 types of “orientations”, such as pedophilia, voyeurism, and exhibitionism, just to name a few. Granting civil right status for “sexual orientation” would endanger public school students since schools would not be permitted to discriminate against pedophiliacs. “Gender Identity” employment “non-discrimination” laws put women and children at risk. States whose laws include “gender identity” for public employees would be subject to allowing transgendered public employees entrance into any restroom, including male predators.

Take Action
Contact the office of Rep. Wendell Willard by phone (404-656-5125) or e-mail and ask him not to give any consideration to H.B. 630. As chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Willard determines which bills will receive a hearing.

Pray that H.B. 630 will be buried in committee. Pray also for all those caught in the bondage of homosexuality.

Click the links below to educate yourself on why special protected “minority” status for “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” is very dangerous for our state.

“Sexual Orientation” and the American Culture

Vacation Surprise: Men Allowed in Women’s Restrooms