Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Colorado would like to welcome our new Legislative Liaison, Linda English. Linda joined the CWA of Colorado leadership team as a Prayer/Action Chapter Leader and looks forward to engaging on the legislative front on bills aligned with CWA’s core issues.
Linda is active in the pro-life movement and has worked tirelessly to raise awareness of the “woke” policies of her local school board. Linda’s business background and strong analytical mind will serve CWA of Colorado well at the State Capitol.
Linda lives in Larkspur, Colorado. She is married to her husband, Randy, and they have four children and grandchildren.
A note from Linda: “To do nothing when you see injustice and unrighteousness is not an option. Jesus gave us the authority in His name to pray and proclaim His Word over our state and nation. I look forward to joining State Director Karen Pennington in Denver as we seek to influence legislation that matters to God through prayer, education, and action.”