CWA of Alabama Action Central

By July 27, 2010Alabama

As we become more concerned about happenings on Capitol Hill, we must strengthen our determination and multiply our actions. As a resident of Alabama, your influence over your senators and representative is key to influencing the nation as a whole. Please take a moment to read through the ways in which you can increase your influence over your legislators in Washington, D.C., from within Alabama. Then, take action! We make it easy!

Who Are They?
Find out who your Members of Congress are.

Where Do They Stand On The Issues?
Find out how your legislators voted on key issues.

Are There Issues I Can Take Action On Today?
Read through the current list of issues waiting for you to take action on. Letters are already written and ready to e-mail to your legislators.

How Do I Keep Informed on National Issues via e-mail?
Sign up for CWA E-Alerts.

Where do I get a thorough review of the legislation CWA is currently working on as well as the buzz on Capital Hill about it?
Check out our weekly article, “On the Horizon.”

Who Is Running For Office, How Do I Find Out Where They Stand On The Issues?
Simply put in your street and zip code then click on the “Candidate’s web page.” If they have been an elected official in the past click on the “Visit _______ member bio page” then the “Votes” tab. View their past votes on CWA issues.

How Do I Register to Vote?
Make a difference! Be a voter!

How Do I Speak Out On The National Issues On Behalf Of CWA?
Become a volunteer for Concerned Women for America or Concerned Women for America of Alabama. It’s easier than you think! We will show you how.

How Do I Spread Our Message And Influence Legislators Through Local Newspapers, Publications And Magazines?
Write a letter to the editor about an issue you are concerned about and e-mail it to those you select from a local list.

It is time to make our voices heard on Capitol Hill! Will you join us?

Click here for additional resources.