CWA: No Chance Obama Will Make a Decent Supreme Court Pick

CONTACT: Kristina Hernandez 703-373-0632

WASHINGTON, D.C. – With a Supreme Court nominee coming any day now from President Obama, Concerned Women for America sent a letter encouraging the President to pick a Justice who will uphold the Constitution and not lean on empathy or feelings when deciding the law.

“We pray you would choose a nominee that makes all Americans feel proud. At a time when the political chasm between citizens seems to be expanding at an alarming rate, such an admirable move would certainly do a lot to bring us back together and rally for the common purpose of doing what is best for America.”

However, based on President Obama’s actions thus far, and on his statements back-to-back that he wouldn’t use a litmus test but wants his nominee to support a “woman’s right to choose,” CWA isn’t hopeful that he will choose a good nominee.

“I don’t see the President picking a nominee that is good for America,” said Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America. “The President has shown a keen disregard for any notion of honoring the Constitution, but we are clinging to any last hope that he may break from the mold and nominate a worthy Justice.”

CWA also released a Supreme Court briefing of candidates considered to be some of the most likely picks that Obama would choose, including Judge Diane Wood, U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan, and Judge Sidney Thomas.

“CWA has serious concerns about all of these nominees and the ideology driving the search behind picking the proper candidate,” continued Nance. “President Obama has given conservatives no reason to trust that he will do the right thing. He has articulated a judicial philosophy that not only allows but expects a judge to decide cases based on what he ‘feels’ is right, instead of the law.”

The memo states that “this idea is so preposterous that even his own Supreme Court nominee, Justice Sotomayor, rejected it at her confirmation hearings. ‘We apply law to facts. We don’t apply feelings to facts,’ she said, distancing herself from the President’s ideology.”

To view the Supreme Court memo, click here. For the letter to the president, click here.

Concerned Women for America is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.

To speak with Penny Nance, please contact Kristina Hernandez at 703-373-0632 or
