CWA Delivers Over 100K Petitions Demanding No Taxpayer Dollars for Abortion

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Signaling that emotions still run high over taxpayer funding of abortions through ObamaCare and direct funds to the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, Concerned Women for America (CWA) delivered 101,000 petitions from its members to the U.S. Senate last week demanding no taxpayer funding for abortion.

“This issue is long from resolved, and Americans are still fired up that their dollars are funding abortions,” said Penny Nance, CEO of the half-million strong conservative women’s group.

Polling indicates that a large majority, over 60 percent, of Americans — even those who identify themselves as “pro-choice” — do not want their dollars funding abortion. In a matter of a few weeks, Concerned Women for America garnered 101,000 signatures on a petition that read, in part:

As a pro-life American citizen, I am sickened over continued efforts by the abortion industry to use my tax-dollars to fund the destruction of innocent life. I urge you to use your political position to champion the plight of the unborn in our nation in the following ways:

Support any and all legislative efforts to permanently prohibit taxpayer funding for abortion services in the U.S. and abroad. Support a federal ban on the funding of abortion and abortion related services both here and abroad.

“It was the issue of abortion that very nearly felled ObamaCare, and it was only when a very small, but powerful group of so-called pro-life Democrats caved at the 11th hour that the massive legislation passed,” continued Nance.

“The issue of taxpayer-funded abortion will most certainly be a concern in the upcoming presidential election. Americans don’t want their money funding abortion.”

To speak with Mrs. Nance, please contact Kristina Hernandez at 703-373-0632 or