Support for Hobby Lobby in Light of Lawsuit Against HHS Mandate

CWA CEO and President Penny Nance Urges Support for Hobby Lobby in Light of Lawsuit Against HHS Mandate

Washington D.C – Concerned Women for America (CWA) CEO and President Penny Nance issued the following statement in support of Christian crafts store Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., who will battle the Obama Administration in court Thursday over whether or not the Health and Human Service (HHS) Department can force it to comply with the mandate requiring employers to provide coverage for the morning-after pill and similar drugs that may cause abortions:

“CWA supports the owners of Hobby Lobby for taking such a bold stand for religious freedom. Never before have we seen such a government intrusion into the religious beliefs and liberties of Americans. The HHS mandate forces business owners to turn their backs on their deeply held religious beliefs in order to engage in the free market; this is wrong, and it is unconstitutional. This mandate would force the Christian-owned and operated company to provide the ‘morning-after pill’ and ‘week-after pill’ in its health insurance plan, or face fines of up to $1.3 million per day. I encourage people across the country to shop their values and support Hobby Lobby. As we learned with the liberal boycott of Chick-fil-A, conservatives will not sit idly by and allow our freedoms of speech or religion to be taken away.”

Concerned Women for America has publically supported lawsuits challenging the HHS Mandate, a regulation under the Affordable Care Act, including: Hobby Lobby, Liberty University, Wheaton College, East Texas Baptist University, Houston Baptist University, Belmont Abbey College, Colorado Christian University, the Eternal Word Television Network, and Ave Maria University.

The most recent polling data from December 2012 shows Americans support a religious exemption to the mandate.

If you would like to schedule an interview with CWA CEO and President Penny Nance please contact Alison Howard at 202-266-4816 or

Concerned Women for America is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization with 500,000 participating members across the country, over 450 Prayer/Action Chapters and Home Teams, 600 trained leaders and over 30 years of service to our nation

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