CWA Applauds House for Repealing ObamaCare

By July 11, 2012Press Releases

Nance: “We are pleased that the House took quick action to right the wrong of government overreach in our health care.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Concerned Women for America President and CEO Penny Nance has released the following statement in response to the House’s vote today to repeal President Obama’s health care law:

“The Supreme Court’s ruling last month deeming the President’s health care law constitutional was a bitter pill to swallow. It trampled religious liberties and continued to force taxpayer dollars to fund abortions. We are pleased that the House took quick action to right the wrong of government overreach in our health care. President Obama’s unpopular law places the government in charge of our health care.

Women make 80 percent of the health care decisions and are likely to be the ones to take care of a sick family member. As patients, mothers, daughters, sisters, and wives, we should have the power to make our health care decisions, not Washington bureaucrats. Any elected official who originally supported ObamaCare, and doesn’t want to be deemed a supporter of the largest tax hike in history, should be jumping ship while they still have time.

The Affordable Care Act will affect not only our health care but many of our founding liberties, as we have already seen with the contraception mandate and our religious liberty. Requiring employers affiliated with the Christian faith, like Concerned Women for America, to include free abortion-inducing drugs in their health insurance plans is contrary to both Christian doctrine and our constitutionally guaranteed of religious freedom. When religious groups are forced to deny their deeply held religious convictions, it is not called “balance”; it is called “tyranny.” Every American will be forced to undermine their moral and religious principles and subsidize what they believe to be morally repugnant. As much as President Obama would like us to believe this is a “women’s rights issue,” this is really a religious freedom issue. President Obama has abused his executive power and overstepped the bounds of the Constitution.

The House has taken the first step to fully repeal this onerous law. We call on the Senate and President Obama to immediately follow suit. We need real reform that makes health care more affordable, while empowering American families to choose plans that best meet their needs.

CWA fully supports those members of the House who have called upon governors to stand firm against state health care exchanges in their states, and we stand behind the fifteen governors who have already pledged to do so.”