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Act TODAY! Critical Vote to Protect Louisiana Children This Tuesday!

By July 16, 2023Louisiana

This Tuesday, July 18, at Noon, the Louisiana State Legislature will convene for a veto override session to vote to override Gov. John  Bel Edwards’ veto of HB648, the “Don’t Harm Our Children Act.”

Will you do three simple things?

#1. Take Action Now!
Contact your state legislators through our Action Center HERE and urge them to attend the veto session and vote yes on HB648. What’s at stake is the medical safety of Louisiana’s children from those who seek to do them medical harm.

#2. Join Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Louisiana as we stand in solidarity to protect our children. We will join our allies at the State Capitol in Baton Rouge at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 18, to pray and intercede on behalf of the children of Louisiana and for the legislators as they vote to protect our children’s health, hearts, minds, and future. Contact me for more information.

#3. Pray without ceasing.
State legislators are under immense pressure not to attend the veto override session. Pray now that legislators will attend and vote to protect children from medical mutilation.

Heavenly Father, thank You for blessing us with leaders concerned about the welfare of the children in our state. We thank You for giving them the wisdom to courageously address concerns that impact Louisiana. Thank you for blessing their lives. Lord, You alone rule. Eyes look to You in hope. By faith, we declare that our Louisiana leaders will trust in You and lean not on their own understanding. We pray they will seek Your in all that they do, and as they do this, we trust that You will show them Your will for Louisiana. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Anchored in Christ,

Laura Huber
State Director