Conservative Women GOP Primary Poll Results

Penny Nance, President and CEO of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, had this to say about the results of our recent poll of conservative women regarding GOP primary candidates:

“Conservatives, especially women, are solidly ambivalent about the GOP field. CWALAC polling yesterday showed that they currently overwhelmingly prefer Herman Cain now that he has staked out a positive plan for the economy rooted in conservative, free market principles. Deep doubts about Mitt Romney continue as now Cain has almost pulled even with Romney on the question of who do people think will win. That is a significant shift from previous surveys which showed while most preferred someone else they thought Romney would win. The ground is shifting”

Here are the results of the poll:

If the GOP presidential primary or caucus for your state were held today, which of the following possible or announced Republicans candidates would you support?
Herman Cain 36.3%
Sarah Palin 9.7%
Newt Gingrich 8.6%
Rick Perry 8.4%
Michele Bachmann 8.3%
Mitt Romney 6.6%
Chris Christie 5.3%

Which of the following possible or announced candidates do you think will ultimately win the G.O.P. presidential nomination?

Mitt Romney 23.1%
Herman Cain 20.3%
Rick Perry 8.4%
Sarah Palin 6.2%
Chris Christie 5.5%
Newt Gingrich 3.8%
Ron Paul 2.3%
Michele Bachmann 2.2%