Concerned Women Stand for Marriage at the Supreme Court

By December 10, 2012Defense of Family

Nance: “The social science is clear and overwhelming: children do best when they are raised by both a mother and a father who love each other and their

children unconditionally.”

Washington D.C. – Today, the Supreme Court announced it will hear several of the marriage cases pending before the Court. Penny Nance, Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) CEO and President, said this in response:

“By taking these cases, the Supreme Court has the opportunity to affirm our most cherished values by preserving the American people’s right to define marriage as the union between one man and one woman. Those who persist in forcing their preferred redefinition of marriage on the country by rule of law stand squarely against everything on which this country was founded – most notably against the freedom of religion, which they argue should be suppressed whenever it interferes with their newly discovered constitutional “right” to homosexual “marriage.”

“More importantly, we hope the Court recognizes that its decision will have very real consequences for our children. The social science is clear and overwhelming: children do best when they are raised by both a mother and a father who love each other and their children unconditionally. That’s the model for which we should always aim.

“CWA will continue to stand for God’s model for marriage by submitting to the Supreme Court its marriage amicus brief, showing homosexuals are not a ‘suspect class’ as defined by law.”

Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization with a history of over 30-years helping our members across the country bring Biblical principles into all levels of public policy. There’s a cultural battle raging across this country, and CWA is on the frontline protecting those values through prayer and action.

If you would like to schedule an interview with CWA CEO and President Penny Nance, please contact Alison Howard at or 202-309-5978.

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