Concerned Women for America urges FDA to reverse course on chemical abortion restriction removal

Today, the FDA announced its permanent removal of the “in-person dispensing requirement” for Mifepristone. This makes the abortion pill readily available through mail and telehealth services without the supervision of a physician. Research has shown chemical abortion has a four times higher rate of complication than surgical abortion.

Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny Nance said:

“The FDA’s decision to permanently remove the in-person dispensing requirement for Mifepristone will senselessly jeopardize lives. Shamefully deemed a means to ‘minimize the burden on the health care delivery system,’ this change is nothing more than a political plot to satiate the profit-hungry abortion industry.

“The chemical abortion pill significantly increases the rate of hospitalization for vulnerable women who truly need conscientious care and counsel, not a reckless, mail-order fix. The FDA’s new requirement that any pharmacy dispensing be specially certified is ludicrous and a cheap concession that will do nothing to protect women’s health and safety. This dangerous pill has no place in our healthcare market. We urge the FDA to reverse course.”