Concerned Women Applaud FCC’s Appeal of Indecency Ruling

By August 26, 2010Press Releases

Washington, DC Today, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requested the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to reconsider its recent ruling striking down the agency’s power to regulate so-called “fleeting expletives.” Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) CEO Penny Nance applauded the FCC’s move saying:

“We are pleased to see the FCC is standing up for families and the agency’s power to regulate indecency granted by “We the People.” CWA’s half-million members around the country called on FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski to appeal the decision and we stand with the FCC as they ask the Second Circuit to reconsider its wrongful decision.

“The previous ruling undermines decency standards which have protected children for decades, opening up the door for broadcasters to barrage our families with indecent programming. We pray the court recognizes the very dangerous practical effect its decision will have on our culture and that it will overturn that decision.”