Communities That Care Survey – Your Voice is Needed!

By March 19, 2019Kansas

ACTION needed on opt-out Communities That Care Survey! We want to keep the opt in language.

Yesterday, HB 2361 passed out of the Children and Seniors Committee. The focus of this legislation is the Communities That Care Survey, which is a very invasive student health survey that CWA of Kansas very much opposes.

Currently, parents must opt their student(s) in to participate in the survey. We like this policy because schools assume the responsibility of ensuring they have parental permission to take the survey. The bill seeks to change opt-in to opt-out which is not in the best interest of parents and students.

Take Action: Contact the Speaker and House Majority Leader and urge them to not allow this bill to go before the House. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Kansas.

  • Speaker of the House Ron Ryckman (R-District 78) Phone: 785 296-2302 | E-mail:
  • Majority Leader Dan Hawkins (R-District 100) Phone: 785 291-7662 | E-mail:

Please pray for our children as they go throughout their school day. Pray for the protection of their minds and hearts as they often hear and see things that are an antithesis to Biblical truths.

Thank you for all you do and considering doing this much needed task.


Barbara Saldivar
State Director
CWA of Kansas
Facebook: Concerned Women for America of Kansas

Thank you for all you do educating, praying and acting in an appropriate manner. Please consider donating to CWA of Kansas by mailing a check to PO Box 8331, Topeka, KS 66608 or click here to donate to Kansas online. If you send a check, please make it out to “Concerned Women for America” and put “CWA of KS” on the memo line.