Common Core and APUSH Events

By October 3, 2014South Dakota

In case you missed the two recent events on Common Core and the Advanced Placement U.S. History (APUSH) Curriculum Framework, you can still access them using the instructions below.
Advanced Placement U.S. History Curriculum Framework
Advanced Placement college-level classes in various subjects are offered to the brightest high school students. If they do well on the exams, students receive college credit, which grants them a head start in their college careers at a cost savings.
Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) in partnership with American Principles in Action hosted a nationwide conference call concerning the rollout of the new APUSH Curriculum Framework and exam.
Tanya Ditty, CWALAC of Georgia State Director and former AP U.S. History teacher, made this statement concerning the new Framework, “When I first read the new APUSH Framework, I didn’t even recognize it as American history standards. From this Framework, I didn’t recognize it as my country.”
Here is a sampling of what our nation’s brightest high-school students can expect:
• A relentlessly negative view of American history, which emphasizes every problem and failing of our ancestors while ignoring or minimizing their achievements.
• Almost total silence about the Founding Fathers, including no mention of Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, and Adams, and almost none of the Declaration of Independence.
• Omission of military history, battles, commanders, and heroes.
• A biased and inaccurate view of many important facets of American history, including the motivation and actions of 17th through 19th-century settlers, American involvement in World War II, and the conduct of and victory in the Cold War.
Click here for instructions on hearing this archived conference call with a panel of education experts.

Online Common Core Presentation
Our friends at the South Dakota Family Policy Council arranged for a live online Common Core presentation with Dr. Duke Pesta on August 12. This event has been archived and can be accessed at

Dr. Pesta Presents Common Core Dangers & Threats
Dr. Duke Pesta will be speaking at three events in Rapid City this weekend. Mark your calendar and plan to attend!
Friday, August 22, 6:00 p.m.
Best Western Ramkota Hotel – Washington Room
2111 N. LaCrosse St.
Rapid City, SD 57701

Saturday, August 23, 1:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn Spearfish – Convention Center
305 N. 27 St.
Spearfish, SD 57783

Sunday, August 24, 1:00 p.m.
Best Western Ramkota Hotel – Washington Room
“Dangers & Threats to Catholic Students & Education” (relevant to all Christian and private schools)
2111 N. LaCrosse St.
Rapid City, SD 57701