Capitol Hill Brief — Your Voice In Washington


Concerned Women for America is your voice in our nation’s capital.  Last week, your support of the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court was seen and heard loud and clear at the capitol.

About a hundred of our Young Women for America members and state leaders gathered there to ask senators to stop playing politics with this important nomination and confirm Judge Gorsuch.

Senators, legislative staffers, and even White House officials came by and took notice of effort.

CWA was also inside the hearing room where I was able to spend some time personally and take the same message to lawmakers and influencers from both sides of the aisle.  Join CWA today and be part of something great.

Our next Supreme Court justice will shape America’s future for generations to come. Judge Neil Gorsuch will uphold conservative, constitutional values. Tell the Senate to confirm him by signing our petition at today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.