Capitol Hill Brief — Together We Can Make a Difference

By December 21, 2016Blog, Capitol Hill Brief


What could a moral resurgence in America look like?  It often feels like the moral values once strong in our nation are slipping away.  How can we restore them — in ourselves, our families, our churches, and our nation?

At Concerned Women for America we look to the Lord, and we ask Him to equip us to be instruments of His influence, through prayer, then education, and then by influencing our society and public policy.

We dream of a day when the family is respected, knowing that strong families will help every person experience love and reach their God-given potential.  Dream with us, partner with us with your time and through your generous giving. Together we can make a difference!

2017 is approaching fast, and here at CWA, we’re fighting for your family, faith, and freedoms. Download the 2017 Prayer Points, and join us in praying for our nation. Just visit today.  If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.