Capitol Hill Brief — This Persistence Summer


As you’ve probably noticed, the radical left is doing everything in its power to derail President Trump’s agenda to the detriment of our nation.  They have pledged to resist any and all of his conservative initiatives, not because of the merits of the effort, but just because they do not like him.

Well, as they resist, the thousands of members of Concerned Women for America will persist in the principles that have made us the freest, most prosperous nation in history.

These principles of faith, family and freedom are the foundation of our Democratic Republic and we must fight to protect them.  So, join Concerned Women for America today on our Persistence Summer campaign.

Together, trusting God, we will persevere!

Now is not the time to resist; it is the time to persist.  This summer, find out how you can support a positive agenda that protects our Biblical values. Visit today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.