Capitol Hill Brief — The Power of One

By January 24, 2017Blog, Capitol Hill Brief
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Every year, the March for Life selects a theme that sets the stage for the message of that particular year and frames our efforts.  This year’s theme is “The Power of One.”  One person — and the difference they make.  It is a theme that Concerned Women for America has lived throughout our organization’s life.

One person’s willingness to speak truth, no matter the cost, can mean one heart changed, one vote reconsidered, or even one life saved. The impact is simply incalculable.

I encourage you to participate in this year’s March — whether that’s traveling to D.C., or at your local march, or even online.  Remember, your voice matters!

It’s time to move taxpayer funding away from Planned Parenthood and support local health clinics. Tell Mitch McConnell that you’ll fight by his side to defend the unborn. Visit to sign this urgent statement today.  If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.