Capitol Hill Brief — Speak Truth


There’s so much we can do if we put our minds to it. God has gifted each of us, as conservative women, with unique talents, ideas, and passions, and it is our duty to use them in service of Him and our nation.

There are approximately sixty million evangelical and faithful Catholic women in this nation. If we choose to engage in an issue, we can effect change.

So let’s engage.

As the founder of Concerned Women for America, Dr. Beverly LaHaye, said long ago, it’s not about winning, that’s not what God has called us to. He has called us to engage, to speak truth, and to give voice to the eternal principles of faith, hope, and love.

Penny Nance’s latest book, Feisty and Feminine, empowers women to engage the culture and is our gift to thank you for your donation today. Request yours at If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.