Capitol Hill Brief — Please Join CWA


I gave you a taste yesterday of what it was like at Concerned Women for America’s 2017 Leadership Conference.  The training that our leaders received was second to none, and the beautiful thing about it is that they now get to go back to their states, armed with the tools they need to make a difference right where God has raised them to serve.

You, too, can be part of Concerned Women for America.  Conservative women are stronger when we stand together.  We’d also like to help you make a difference where you are, join us today! I do not have to emphasize how crucial it is that we not waste the opportunities that we have been given. Take action today!

Join us on the front lines! Fight to defend critical issues, like the sanctity of life and religious freedom. Together, we’ll bring Biblical, constitutional values back to our nation. Visit to give today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.