Capitol Hill Brief — Persist in the Fight for Religious Freedom


Every day in the news, we hear stories about Christians been denied their constitutional right to the free exercise of religion. Now more than ever, we must persist in the fight for religious liberty as a foundational principle for the blessings we enjoy as a country.

Together we can truly make a difference.  The confirmation of Justice Gorsuch is just one of the latest examples. But the fight is so much broader.

It starts at the local and state level, in your school board or local council and continues all the way to Washington.

That’s why we must all be engaged.

So, don’t let the summer lull distract you from what’s important.  Join CWA’s Persistent Summer and make a difference.

Join us on the front lines of our “Persistent Summer.” Join as we persist to bring Biblical, constitutional values back to our nation. Together, we’ll fight for our family, faith, and freedom. Visit today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.