Capitol Hill Brief — Meeting President Trump

By February 8, 2017Blog, Capitol Hill Brief


Last week, the day after President Trump’s announcement of Judge Neil Gorsuch as his choice for the Supreme Court, I was blessed to meet President Trump at the White House.  I was able to congratulate him personally, on your behalf, and thank him for keeping his promise to us that he would nominate someone in the mold of Justice Scalia.

I assured him that we would support Judge Gorsuch and do everything in our power to ensure a fair confirmation process.

That’s right, senators are the ones considering the nomination, but guess what? They are our representatives. Sometimes we fail to get a fair process because too many of us remain silent. Not this time. Join CWA, and together we will make a difference!

Our next Supreme Court justice will shape America’s future for generations to come. Judge Neil Gorsuch will uphold conservative, constitutional values. Tell the Senate to confirm him by signing our petition at today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.