Capitol Hill Brief — Join YWA in Prayer


You’ve probably heard of the shameful silencing of conservative voices in college campuses.

Recent events include the violent shout down of author and scholar Charles Murray at Middlebury College, UC-Berkeley’s mistreatment of Anne Coulter (which is now the subject of a Free Speech lawsuit) and many more, like, Ben Shapiro and David Horowitz have been targeted for silencing by radical groups.

The most shameful part about this is that the administrators at these state-funded schools are caving to these radical groups and violating the rights of the speakers and conservative school groups that invite them.

Would you join Concerned Women for America’s Young Women for America chapters in prayer as we do our part to curtail this trend?

Stop universities from drowning out conservative, Judeo-Christian values! Fight for free speech by visiting today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.