Capitol Hill Brief — Join CWA

By December 19, 2016Blog, Capitol Hill Brief


Concerned Women for America was founded in 1978 when Dr. Beverly LaHaye, heard Betty Friedan, the founder of the National Organization for Women, claimed to be speaking for all women in America.

Mrs. LaHaye stood up and said, “Well, you don’t speak for me.”  She knew that Friedan only represented and extreme feminist faction of small but vocal women, while most women’s concerns were not being represented.

That was the birth of Concerned Women for America (CWA), which went on to become the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization. CWA has inspired countless Christian, conservative women to find their voice.  So, if you are a conservative woman, I want to invite you into the family.  You are not alone.

2017 is approaching fast, and here at CWA, we’re fighting for your family, faith, and freedoms. Download the 2017 Prayer Points, and join us in praying for our nation. Just visit today.  If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station. Please help me get the message out by sending it to your friends and family using the “Forward” button at the bottom of this email. Thanks for your time!