Capitol Hill Brief — Israel


As President-elect Trump prepares to sit in the Oval Office and plans his first 100 Days, America’s friendship with Israel needs to be a top priority.

America’s relationship with Israel is vital to our national security, as well as our foreign policy strategy in the Middle East. Israel is among the United States’ closest allies and is the nation that most closely shares our values of freedom and democracy in the Middle East.

It is time for the message from the White House to once again be clear in our steadfast support for Israel. As Christians we should pray for Shalom, peace, for Israel and pray for the President-elect to prioritize unwavering support for our friend and ally, Israel.

The first 100 days of Donald Trump’s presidency will be critical. Join CWA and encourage him to prioritize conservative values.  Visit to sign our petition today.  If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.