Capitol Hill Brief — God’s Perfect Plan

By December 23, 2016Blog, Capitol Hill Brief


Christians cannot justify abortion when we consider Jesus as an unborn child. Christ was the Savior even inside the womb!

Though a virgin, from the world’s perspective, Jesus’ mother Mary was pregnant when she was poor and desperate and unmarried.  Yet Mary rejoiced because she knew God had a plan.

Jesus was the greatest gift to the world.  All future generations will call her blessed.

New life is a worthy reason to push through difficult circumstances while trusting God.  We should consider all unborn children and their mothers valuable and help them in any way we can.

Together we can protect life, from conception through natural death.

Christmas is a wonderful time to remember the values most important to us all. We hope you’ll request our Christmas Prayer Guide. Spend some time praying together with your family this season. Visit for your copy today. Merry Christmas! If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.