Capitol Hill Brief — CWA of Maine Stands for Gorsuch


Concerned Women for America of Maine state director Penny Morrell stood up for the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court at a recent town hall meeting hosted by Sen. King.  Here is what she said:

[AUDIO CLIP] Penny Morrell: Thank you, Senator King. My name is Penny Morrell. I’m state director for Concerned Women for America of Maine. Thank you for having this forum tonight. I would urge you to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court because he is a strict constitutionalist. And it is not the job of the Supreme Court to make law; it is the job of the Supreme Court to be sure that any law is subject to the constitution as originally written.

Our next Supreme Court justice will shape America’s future for generations to come. Judge Neil Gorsuch will uphold conservative, constitutional values. Tell the Senate to confirm him by signing our petition at today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.