Capitol Hill Brief — 100 No More: Sancha Smith

By December 15, 2016Blog, Capitol Hill Brief


CWA of Louisiana State Director Sancha Smith was at our Planned Parenthood rally and noticed their targeting of the vulnerable continues today:

[Audio Clip] Sancha Smith: Following up on what Penny had shared, about abortion really being genocide, about the Negro Project, about how Margaret Sanger had this insidious, hideous ideology that wanted to restrict those from reproducing that she deemed “inferior” — namely black, Hispanic, poor, and the mentally and physically disabled. And yet, their new Planned Parenthood facility is right across the street from a school. Take it all in! … And you must make a determined decision, a decision to stand for righteousness.

Help stop taxpayer-funded abortion once and for all. Let’s save lives together!  Visit to sign our petition today.  If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station. Thanks for your time!