Capitol Hill Brief — 100 No More: Alveda King

By December 16, 2016Blog, Capitol Hill Brief


Last week, Alveda King, niece of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. capped our rally against Planned Parenthood’s abuses of minority communities, speaking of the healing that can come after abortion.

[Audio Clip] Alveda King: Each person who has already spoke — and my own testimony was told in the same testimonies. I’m post-abortive. And everything that they said happened to them happened to me. I kept the secret. Black women do not tell that we had an abortion — it’s our shame to tell it, they say. So God said, “Tell all the secret business.” Now I’m gonna go say, “The niece of Martin Luther King had abortions? God, really?” He said, “If you do it, people will be healed.” And so many people are being healed by the truth being told.

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