Calling All Missourians! Please Pray for the U.S. Supreme Court as They Consider the Issue of Marriage

By March 16, 2013Missouri

Two of the most important days in American history will take place on March 26 and 27 when the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on two crucial cases dealing with marriage.

Tuesday, March 26: Hollingsworth v. Perry: This case will deal with California’s Proposition 8, the voter-approved constitutional amendment that defined marriage as the union between one man and one woman.

Wednesday, March 27: U.S. v. Windsor: This case will deal with the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage in the same way for federal purposes alone.

These cases will determine our rights as Americans to protect marriage.

Please ask pastors and individuals to make this a matter of discussion and prayer for the next 10 days. I am linking a bulletin insert that your church can use and a flyer regarding the March for Marriage in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, March 26.

This is critical. If marriage goes down, we are done. Our efforts need to be making the married mom and dad raising their children the norm once again in America. We cannot go down the road of making marriage even more meaningless than we have already – even in our churches.