Call Your Representatives and Ask Them to Support Both House Bill 1297 and House Bill 1450

By February 11, 2011North Dakota

House Bill 1297 is the Abortion Enforcement Enhancement Act. It updates, strengthens, and clarifies existing laws restricting abortion and protecting a woman’s right to know. Among the bill’s provisions:

  • Places restrictions on the use of abortion drugs (RU-486)
  • Places new enforcement mechanisms in place
  • Strengthens parental consent requirements
  • Clarifies state policy against abortion
  • Removes inconsistent provisions and loopholes in existing law

House Bill 1450 is the Defense of Human Life Act. It makes the homicide and assault statutes apply to all human beings.

The North Dakota House of Representatives will soon vote on both bills.

Pray: Please pray and ask the Lord to touch the hearts of the legislators. May these bills pass overwhelmingly.

Act: Call or e-mail your two representatives now and ask them to vote yes on both HB 1297 and HB 1450. Contacting your legislators couldn’t be easier! Click here to e-mail them or call 1-888-635-3447 and ask for your legislator. If you don’t know who your legislators are, both will assist you in identifying them based on your address.

Thank you for taking a stand on behalf of the unborn and women of this great state.

For Life,

Janne Myrdall
State Director
CWA of North Dakota