California Marches for Life!

By April 24, 2024California

On Monday, Concerned Women for America (CWA) of California joined thousands gathered in Sacramento for the Fourth Annual California March for Life. We lifted our voices in prayer and marched for the dignity of life in the womb. It was a day filled with hope and passion as we urged our government to protect the most vulnerable among us.

CWA of California had the privilege again this year to host the Prayer & Praise Rally that preceded the march. Crowds of individuals, ranging from pregnancy care center staff to advocates from pro-life resource groups, along with lawyers, doctors, churches, and families across generations, joined in prayer. The diverse community coming together in prayer to embrace the beauty of life in the womb was truly moving. And knowing that women, men, and families in attendance felt reassured and supported made it all the more meaningful.

Both the Prayer & Praise Rally and March were strategically timed on a day when the State Legislature was in session, so lawmakers saw our prayers for the pre-born and our support for pregnancy care centers right outside the Capitol. Gathering together in the heart of our state capital, feeling the Lord’s presence, and sharing our commitment to protecting life at every stage of pregnancy was an incredibly powerful experience. I give a heartfelt thank you to those who joined us and those who provided the financial support to make this historic day happen. It was an important step towards a brighter, more life-affirming future in California!

Marlo Tucker
State Director