As CWA of North Dakota Makes Its Voice Heard at the State Capitol

By March 13, 2013North Dakota

CWA delivered several testimonies in Bismarck yesterday and will participate in hearings again today. Click on the bill number to read testimony.

Yesterday – HB 1305 (Prohibiting abortions for sex selection or genetic abnormalities) and 1456 (Heartbeat bill) were heard before the Senate Judiciary Committee. We are urging legislators to vote “Do Pass” on each of these bills.

Today – SB 2303 (Definition of a Human Being), SB 2305 (Limitations on physicians and abortion facilities), and SB 2368 (Fetal Pain bill) will be heard before the House Human Services Committee. We are urging legislators to vote “Do Pass” on each of these bills.

If you would like more information about these bills go to and put the bill number in the search field in the upper right hand corner.

Take Action: Legislators tell us they appreciate hearing from voters while they deliberate on bills. Always be kind and courteous.

Click here for contact information for the Senators on the Judiciary Committee. Simply e-mail each one. It’s easy! It is especially important to contact Senator Armstrong from Dickinson and Senator Grabinger from Jamestown.

Click here for contact information for the representatives on the House Human Services Committee. Simply e-mail each one. It’s easy!

Pray: Please pray for each member on these committees. Ask the Lord to open their eyes to the life and death issues at hand.

“The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.” Proverbs 21:1

Thank you for your prayer and action on these very important bills! We do appreciate you!