April 30 Prayer/Action Alert: Do not lose heart!

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9


National Day of Prayer
The National Day of Prayer (NDP) is this Thursday, May 2. Please consider participating in an NDP event near you.

Prayer/Action Chapters
Prayer is the most effective way to influence the culture for God’s Truth.  Please consider starting a CWA Prayer/Action Chapter in your area.  James reminds us that prayer without action is dead (James 2:20), so activate your faith and pray with others who share our Biblical worldview! Contact me today via e-mail or phone (425-869-1923)to learn how you can start a chapter in your local community.

Legislative Update
The 2019 Washington State Legislature has officially ended! We had some great victories this session. Because of your voice and the hard work of the pro-family coalition, which CWA of Washington is a part, we successfully stopped SB 5395; the state mandated, state-defined public school radical sex education curriculum. The universal home visitation bill, HB 1771, which would have allowed the government to invade the privacy of our homes and families, was also stopped dead in its tracks. And HB 1016, the rape kit bill, is headed to the governor for his signature.  Thank you for your prayers and actions!

Sadly, the Social-Emotional Learning bill, SB 5082,passed both houses and awaits the governor’s signature. Stay informed and alert to this issue in your local public schools.

At the national level in Washington, D.C., CWA continues to stand against the so-called “Equality Act.” Click here to educate yourself on the Equality Act and then contact our U.S. senators and congressmen and urge them to vote against this dangerous bill that will eradicate the gains women have fought so hard for over the past 40 years.

Do not lose heart!  Keep fighting the good fight to protect our families, our culture, and our God-given freedoms!

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072


To support our work, please consider donating online. If you choose to mail a check to our post office box, write “CWA” on the main line and “CWA of WA” on the memo line. 

Thank you!