April 24 – U.S. Senate Candidate Forum – Bangor

By April 19, 2012Maine

Please join us April 24 for a U. S. Senate Candidate Forum at Bangor Baptist Church at 7:00 P.M.

Concerned Women for America of Maine, Maine Right to Life and the Christian Civic League of Maine invite you to attend the Candidate Forum we are hosting April 24 at 7:00 P.M. at Bangor Baptist Church. The facility is located at 1476 Broadway. All candidates running in the Primary Election in June for the U. S. Senate have been invited to participate. To date we have confirmations that Bruce Poliquin, Debra Plowman, Charles Summers and a representative from Scott D’Amboise’s campaign will attend.

Let candidates know you care!

Please place this notice in your church bulletin this Sunday, post in on the Internet and come to learn the candidate’s positions on issues about which you care, like life, family, national sovereignty, education and taxes. If you need further information, contact Penny Morrell at director@maine.cwfa.org.