Appropriations Outcome Proves Pro-life Progress Won’t Come Without A Fight

Washington, D.C. — U.S. House-Senate conference appropriators wrapped up business on fiscal year 2019 spending bills today, choosing to tack on a short-term continuing resolution for remaining agencies as a rider to the Department of Defense/Labor-HHS-Education appropriations package.

Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America issued the following statement in response: 

“It is highly disappointing that the only “rider” conference negotiators could make a deal on was a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown.  Conservative House appropriators fought the good fight for many new pro-life and conscience protection provisions that are desperately needed to prevent taxpayer funds from  propping up the abortion industry year after year.

“We need leaders to stand up for innocent life and stand firm to make progress.  It won’t come without the willingness to fight to the end for our principles.  If deals were made in these negotiations, then it’s pretty clear who was on the losing side.  Our members want to see results, and unfortunately, once again, pro-life and conscience protection priorities were sidelined.”

For an interview with Penny Nance contact Annabelle Rutledge at or 916-792-3973.