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A Match Made in … um … The White House.

It should come as no surprise that President Obama is already gearing up to translate his official endorsement of “gay marriage” into support for his campaign for reelection.  The campaign announced Wednesday the launch of the “Obama Pride: LGBT Americans for Obama” initiative to raise publicity and funds for the president’s 2012 bid.  The campaign will promote events across the nation, including phone banks, information distribution, local activist meetings, and voter registration drives.

With the NAACP now officially endorsing the president on his position regarding “gay marriage,” the Obama campaign is seeking to leverage his advantage with the LGBT community and like-minded individuals in key battleground states.  Not surprisingly, California will be a major focus for “Obama Pride,” but Politico reports that pivotal states, such as Colorado, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania will also receive extensive attention.

The Web page for “Obama Pride” openly boasts about the president’s long record of supporting the homosexual agenda since he was elected, touting more than forty of the administration’s top “accomplishments” on this front over the last three years.  A prominently displayed quote from the president says it all: “The work that we’ve done with respect to the LGBT community I think is just profoundly American and is at the heart of who we are.”

Whether or not the president’s pro-LGBT policies genuinely resonate with the average American (there is ample evidence suggesting they don’t), it is clear the president thinks the entire nation ought to agree with him.  This peculiar reasoning has apparently proved to be enough of a mandate for the administration to charge ahead in favor of the LGBT agenda, regardless of the morality of such policies and the actual will of the American people.