A Dark Day For New York – Same Sex Marriage Passes

By September 29, 2011New York

June 24th 2011 was a dark day for New York State. At the top of Governor Cuomo’s to do list, was passing Same Sex Marriage in New York. The bill was passed after ten long days of tense arguments behind closed doors. Governor Cuomo said at a press conference shortly after a cabinet meeting “If the people are with you the politicians will follow” The Governor is sadly mistaken in thinking the people are with him in this case. At the time the bill was passed 62% of the American people believed that marriage is between one man and one woman. The people of New York should have been given the opportunity to vote on this issue which will have such a profound affect on all of us. The fact that 31 states have voted down “Same Sex Marriage” was brought before the state senate and was ignored.

The process of bringing this vote to a close was to say the least one of the most divisive. Governor Cuomo was heavily involved in strategizing the passage of the Marriage Equality Bill. He said he would do everything in his power to make “Same Sex Marriage” the law. This is just one more glaring example of the way the Democrats conduct themselves. The process leading up to the vote was not devoid of threats, bribes and arm twisting on the part of the Governor and his staff.

The worst of all was the treatment of Senator Rueben Diaz a democrat from the Bronx when he asked to speak about the vote and was ignored. Not one other senator, Republican or Democrat stood with him. He said he voted his conscience and was the only Democrat in the senate that stood against redefining marriage. After not allowing Senator Diaz to speak because he opposed the bill, openly gay Senator Duane from Manhattan was allowed to tearfully give a speech on the Senate floor with his partner behind him weeping with joy.

The four Republicans, who were targeted by Governor Cuomo along with Mayor Bloomberg, didn’t take long to fold and turn their backs on the constituents who put their trust in them to stand for family values. Senator Roy McDonald 43rd Saratoga ( my Senator) , Senator James Alesi 55th Rochester, Senator Mark Grisanti 60th Grand Island and Senator Stephen Saland 41st Poughkeepsie are the four who shamefully voted in favor for Marriage Equality. Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos’s office was sure to tell anyone who called that he opposed “same sex marriage”. It was within Senator Skelos’s power to keep the vote from going to the floor; unfortunately he also turned his back on family values.

The unfortunate imposition of Same Sex Marriage will reach far beyond marriage in our state. Redefining marriage is only the tip of the iceberg. The politicians care only about there political careers and obviously have no clue of the impact this will have on society. Same Sex Marriage will usher in the agenda of LGBT activists that are looking to target our children in normalizing the most perverse behavior. The new politically correct buzzword is “tolerance”.

It has come to the point that we now should not have any boundaries on sin, which is exactly what it is, or you labeled intolerant, a bigot or hateful. I believe this a wake up call for all Christians and pro-family advocates to use the power that has been given to us by God. We have all the weapons we need by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, to protect the future for our children. We need to educate ourselves by getting involved with our government and being aware of what our lawmakers are voting on. Special interests have replaced the loyalty that our elected officials are expected to have towards their constituents right up to the Governors office.