A Call 2 Conscience

By February 28, 2013LAC Hot Topics/Alerts

We need your help now to restore religious liberty and protect conscience!Despite our best efforts, President Obama continues his callous assault on our religious liberties by forcing Americans – regardless of their moral objections – to pay for coverage of abortion-inducing drugs. It is little more than naked tyranny to force Americans to deny their deeply held religious convictions.Congress will soon be considering must-pass legislation to fund the government through September 30. It is imperative that Congress include conscience protections in any funding legislation that it considers.President Obama should not be allowed to pick and choose which Americans may exercise their faith. Businesses like Hobby Lobby should not be forced to check their convictions at their front door simply because the company makes money.All Americans have First Amendment rights that need to be protected. It is incumbent on Congress to pass legislation to ensure that our religious and moral convictions are not violated.Take Action Immediately: Please click here to find your Representative’s phone number and e-mail address. Call and e-mail asking them include conscience protections in any upcoming must-pass legislation. Below is a script to guide your phone calls and e-mails:

As your constituent, I demand that you enact conscience protections for all Americans in any continuing resolution or appropriations package.As you know, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a mandate forcing all employers to pay for coverage of abortion-inducing drugs, regardless of religious or moral objection. The so-called “accommodation” issued by the Obama administration is nothing but an accounting gimmick and does not address the objections of businesses or individuals. All Americans, not just those in religious organizations, are guaranteed freedom of conscience in their daily lives and work.Religious liberty and the protection of conscience are foundational, not partisan or political. Attacks on these foundational freedoms cannot be allowed to stand. I urge you to demand leadership to enact conscience protections in must-pass legislation.There must be no religious ‘test’ by the government as to who, and what type of entities, are entitled to a conscience. It is critical that strong conscience protections are included in any continuing resolution or appropriations package.Conscience is not up for negotiation. Enacting conscience protections must be the highest priority.I look forward to hearing back from you on this critical matter.Sincerely,

Send a letter: Tell your representative to include conscience protections in any must-pass legislation it considers. Please click here to access a letter to your representative.And, after you’ve taken action, please make sure to pass on this e-mail to all of your like-minded friends and family so that they can act as well!Thank you for standing with us.The Legislation DepartmentConcerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee