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Prayers and Action Needed to Protect Our Children from Pornography

By October 23, 2024South Dakota

“I will set before my eyes no vile thing.” Psalm 101:3

Yes, it is unusual to receive a state legislative alert when the legislature is not in session. However, please read on …

As you may recall, Concerned Women for America (CWA) of South Dakota worked diligently on the age verification bill, HB1257, which failed in the Senate early this year after receiving strong support in the House. Read more about the bill in our Spring Newsletter. The issue was referred to a “summer study” which has been meeting periodically this summer, including this morning.

A special thank you to Lisa Gennaro, CWA of South Dakota’s Legislative Liaison, for representing us as she testified before the committee this morning in Pierre. Listen to her testimony here, starting at marker 41:40.

We support a bill that not only requires parental consent for minors to download any app but also requires pornographic websites to require age verification. We believe that websites producing and hosting explicit content must have a measure of responsibility. Any discussion of equipping parents must not absolve the industry of their responsibility.

Action: Please contact the committee members and urge them to “support any bill requiring pornographic websites to require age verification and parental consent for app stores.”  Include that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of South Dakota.

Members of the committee:

Sen. Steve Kolbeck

Sen. Duhamel

Sen. Red Dawn Foster

Sen. Liz Larson

Sen. Jim Mehlhaff

Sen. Michael Walsh    

Sen. David Wheeler

Rep. Mike Weisgram

Rep. Amber Arlint

Rep. Byron Callies

Rep. Steve Duffy

Rep. Eric Emery

Rep. Chris Karr

Rep. Bethany Soye

Rep. Tony Venhuizen

Please contact these committee members as soon as possible since they are working on this issue now.

It is imperative that we protect our children from pornography. It distorts their view of what God intended for sexuality and relationships. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20) In addition, the Constitution allows for such protection.

Prayer: Father, You created sexuality to be a beautiful expression in the confines of a loving relationship between a husband and wife. Forgive us for our rebellion from Your created design. Help us protect our children from the distortion the enemy brings. Help our laws and adults who love our children to shield them from this evil and teach them Your plan for healthy relationships. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Linda Schauer
State Director
CWA of South Dakota