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Kentucky-Election Alert: Decide Now How You Will Vote on Marijuana

By October 1, 2024Kentucky

“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

November 5, Election Day, is right around the corner, and Kentucky is asking voters to decide on two constitutional amendments this year. Now is the time to familiarize yourself with them.
In particular, Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Kentucky would like to provide an analysis of Amendment 2 and how it will affect education in Kentucky. It is very simple: it would allow state funding for non-public education.
This is the text you will see on your ballot:
“To give parents choices in educational opportunities for their children, are you in favor of enabling the General Assembly to provide financial support for the education costs of students in kindergarten through 12th grade who are outside the system of common (public) schools by amending the Constitution of Kentucky as stated below?
“It is proposed that a new section be added to the constitution of Kentucky to read as follows: The General Assembly may provide financial support for the education of students outside the system of common schools. The General Assembly may exercise this authority by law, Sections 59, 60, 171, 183, 184, 186, and 189​ of this Constitution notwithstanding.”
In Short:

  • A “YES” vote will change Kentucky’s constitution to enable the Kentucky General Assembly to provide increased resources for additional education opportunities in local communities and create an opportunity for the legislature to consider school choice policies that will work best for Kentucky families.
  • A “NO” vote opposes a change to the state constitution regarding funding for school choice.

Adopting Amendment 2:

  • Empowers families to seek education opportunities that suit the needs of their children more closely.
  • Recognizes the limitations of the current Kentucky “one-size-fits-all” approach to education and will encourage choice and healthy competition.
  • Does not increase government control or regulation of homeschool or private school instruction.
  • Does not take money away from county or rural schools.

PRAY: Ask the LORD to give wisdom to Kentucky voters.

  • Decide now if you will give this amendment a “YES” vote or a “NO” vote on November 5.
  • Forward this email to others who may find it helpful.
  • Vote on November 5.

In His service,
Jennifer Pendleton
State Director