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Election Alert Update: Are You Ready to Vote on Same-Sex Marriage and Abortion in November?

By October 9, 2024Colorado

Election day is drawing closer. Colorado’s November ballot has many initiatives for your consideration. Now is the time to familiarize yourself with them.
Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Colorado would like to draw your attention to two of them:

  • Amendment 79: Right to Abortion and Health Insurance Coverage Initiative.
  • 2024 Colorado Legislatively Referred Amendment J: Remove Constitutional Same-Sex Marriage Ban Amendment.

The Right to Abortion and Health Insurance Coverage Initiative, if passed, will change our state constitution to allow unrestricted abortion in Colorado. Which box will you check?

  • A “YES” vote supports creating a constitutional right to abortion that bans parental notification laws, bans limits on late abortions, and ensures taxpayer-funded abortions for in-state and out-of-state pregnant women.
  • A “NO” vote opposes both creating a right to abortion in the state constitution and the use of public funds for abortion. It continues parental notification and reasonable limits on abortion. 

The Repeal Definition of Marriage in Constitutional Amendment, if passed, will change our state constitution to allow same-sex marriage in Colorado. Which box will you check?

  • A “YES” vote supports the strike through (removal) of the following text currently in Section 31 of our state constitution: “Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.” This will allow same-sex marriage as well as other numerical combinations within the marriage union.
  • A “NO” vote keeps the text and preserves marriage between one man and one woman within the state of Colorado.

Take Action:

  • Click here to see the CWA of Colorado push card on these two ballot initiatives. Please print, cut, and distribute.
  • Check out our She Prays She Votes webpage for outstanding resources such as our 2024 Issues Election Comparison sheet, 2024 Election Prayer Points, how to be a poll worker or watcher information, and more.
  • Share your knowledge and resources with others as you encourage them to vote on November 5.

Pray: Father, we ask that You give wisdom to Colorado voters as they Vote on November 5.
In His service,
Karen Pennington
State Director