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Thank you for joining us in daily prayer for the 2024 elections. Check back each day for a new prayer.

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October 28, 2024- 8 days until the election

A Prayer for State Gubernatorial, House, and Senate races
Written by Anna Hall, YWA Chapter President at School of the Ozarks

Lord, we come before You today to praise and thank You for all of the wonderful blessings You have bestowed upon us. We know that You alone are God, Yours alone is the victory. As we enter this election season, please grant us discernment to choose the right candidates for state office. We pray that Christians would take the time to educate ourselves and each other on our local and state ballots. Please also, Father, give us peace with the outcomes of these elections. Lord, we pray that You would begin preparing the hearts of those who will win the election now. May they draw near to You. Please soften their hearts. We will do as You have commanded us in Romans 13:1, and we will rest in the fact that all authority comes from You. Give us peace and grant our leaders strength. 

In Jesus’ holy name we pray, Amen. 

October 27, 2024- 9 days until the election

A Prayer for Pastors to Engage Their Congregations
Written by Morgan Haddock, YWA Ambassador in Texas

Lord Jesus, 

We come to You in thanksgiving for living in a country that was founded on Biblical values and the freedom to uphold these values openly in our churches, homes, schools, and communities. I pray that You would give pastors and the Church boldness and courage to intercede in ideology that goes against Your Word. Please give them perseverance to be good stewards of the calling You put on their lives to stand up for righteousness, especially when faced with persecution. Please give them wisdom and the right words to say to those who are deceived by ideology that goes against Your original design. 

Continue to guide our footsteps to glorify You in our areas of influence. 

You are the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and the government rests on Your shoulders. We know nothing happens without Your knowledge or control. You have made us for such a time as this in order to proclaim Your Name to every person we encounter. Give us favor in our pursuit for Your heart and to win people to Christ.  

In Jesus’ Name, 

October 26, 2024- 10 days until the election

A prayer for Mercy and Forgiveness
Written by Carmen Bennett, CWA member

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come to You during this election season, and we beg for Your mercy and forgiveness for our nation. Father, we desperately need You in our country; we know our nation has not kept You first, and we are sorry for that. We ask that You will help us to keep you first in our daily lives, in our families, and in our country. 

Lord, we need to be reminded of Your instruction for healing our land: 

2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Father, we ask that You get EVERY Christian in our country to go out and vote. Lord, we pray that You will break all voting complacency and that You will have more evangelical Christians go vote than any other time in history. And that they would vote for the candidates who most closely align with Your Word (like the Sanctity of Life).

Father, we know we are in a spiritual war, and we desperately need You and Your mercy. Your Word tells us to have faith. “Now Faith is confidence in what we hope for, and assurance of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

Heavenly Father, as we give You thanks and praise for ALL You have blessed us with, especially our freedoms here in America, we ask that You continue to bless us with Your mercy, grace, and protection. We also pray, Lord, that You will move mightily in our nation in this election season, that Your hand will be over every legal vote, and that this will be the most honest election in our history with record breaking Christian voting. 

Ephesians 3:20 NIV
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

We ask this prayer in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

October 25, 2024- 11 days until the election

A Prayer for Our Republic
Written by Kenda Bartlett, CWA’s Chief Administrative Officer

We worship You. LORD, because You are worthy of all praise and honor.  We honor You as Creator, Sustainer, and Giver of all life. 

We confess, Lord, that we as a nation have not been faithful to the principles and precepts of Your Word.  We have sought to do things our own way and to do that which is right in our own eyes.  We have relied on our own wisdom and at times have been deceived by the father of lies.  

Thank you, Father, that You have had Your hand of care over this nation for so many years.  Thank You that You have rescued us from our sin.  Thank You that You have granted us favor and have guided the workings of this nation.  Thank You that we once again find ourselves in the midst of the process of transferring power at the highest level of our government.

Would you open the eyes of those who think that not voting is an option?  Help them to see the urgency of the situation in which we find ourselves as a nation and as individuals.  Just as You have protected our nation, we have a duty and an obligation to engage as citizens of this republic.  Our vote is a weapon against those who would seek to curtail our freedoms and erase our position as “one nation under God.”  Have mercy on us!

In Jesus’ name,


October 24, 2024- 12 days until the election

A Joyful Heart Is Good Medicine
Written by Deena Willcox, Executive Assistant

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Thank You for a new day filled with Your blessings and mercy. I come to You today in prayer for lifted spirits. Lord, lift the heavy hearts of our nation. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Lord, may we each live with a joyful heart because we have You, and You are joy, and You are love. When life is confusing, difficult, and stressful, may we find peace and joy in Your love for us. 

As tensions in our country rise may we look to You Lord because “the name of the Lord is a strong tower” (Proverbs 18:10). You are our Rock and our Refuge when all things around us shift like the sand. Knowing You is knowing love because You are love.

Lord, fill us with Your love and joy today; cure our heavy hearts and direct our eyes back to You. May we not be dried out or burnt out by the world around us, but filled with Your love and light. Allow our hearts to be filled with Your joy so that others notice and see You. I pray this for Your Church, Your children, and the lost. 

In Your precious Name I pray, 


October 23, 2024- 13 days until the election

A Prayer for the College Student Vote
Written by Olivia Ozenbaugh, YWA Ambassador in California

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your merciful goodness You show us every day. As we are in the thick of the election season, we ask You to prepare our hearts for the plans You have for this country. Specifically, we ask You to touch the lives of college students around the country today. Our college campuses are full of secular messaging, messaging that warps the truth and promotes sin. We ask You to intervene and captivate the hearts and lives of students who are in dire need of Your grace and truth. We know You are a good God, and that Your plans for our lives are greater than our desires.

In Jesus’ name we pray,


October 22, 2024- 14 days until the election

Prayer for People to Long for the Lord
Written by Abi-Ananiah Prudent, YWA Southern Regional Coordinator


Thank You for who You are and the fact of Your righteousness and just hand. Lord, as we approach this change and walk through this season of transition in our country, I take a moment to lift up the people in this country. God, You are good, and I recognize Your gracious and merciful love.

Lord, though we do nothing but stray from You, Your presence prevails. Lord, thank You for the fact of Your salvation that You gift to us. I pray boldly that, no matter what happens in our country, people across this country will begin to seek comfort, peace, and strength in a new place. Lord, I pray that we begin to put our trust in You rather than in the government and systems alone.

Lord, I pray that in this next year, idols that we have placed before You will come down and we will lean on You more than ever before. Lord, I pray for a resurgence of a longing for something more, and I ask that You reveal Yourself as they search. Thank you, God, that You give us a chance to know You again. Lord, You are God.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


October 21, 2024- 15 days until the election

We Place Our Trust in You
Written by Jeanne Riegsecker, CWA Member

“Through His power, all things were made—things in heaven and on earth, things seen and unseen, all powers, authorities, lords, and rulers. All things were made through Christ and for Christ.”
Colossians 1:16 (Max Lucado Bible)

Lord, we praise You for Who You are. Creator, Redeemer, Almighty God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Father, Friend, and Provider. You are the God of peace and power. You defend those nations who honor and obey you. Let us search our hearts that we might have a pure and right relationship with You, void of sin, selfishness, and personal gain. Forgive us Lord. Let us seek to be Holy as You are Holy. Humble us and draw us into full fellowship with You so we can clearly discern Your will and Your ways for our lives and our country. Set our hearts on fire for righteousness.

Father, we are sometimes troubled and our minds anxious regarding the upcoming election. We come to You asking for insight, wisdom, and clarity of mind, especially for those who are still undecided. Help us all to spend time wisely seeking those candidates whose policies align with Your Word.

We pray for unity of Your people. Let us be diligent in speaking with others who may not have taken time to research their prospective leaders. Empower us to be bold in our churches and our communities, kindly, but unashamedly speaking out for TRUTH. Guide those who are watching the polls, protect them. We pray for extraordinary fairness in this election.

Let us never forget Your teachings and Your promises. Help us to dwell in Your Holy place. Continue to lead us in the way everlasting.

Lord, You appoint leaders, all are under Your control. With thanksgiving, we place our trust in You and our nation in Your hands.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

October 20, 2024- 16 days until the election

A prayer for the family
Written by Deena Willcox, CWA Executive Assistant to the Vice-President

Dear Lord,

Father, you created all things. The trees, the governments, and the family. The family is a sacred institution of Your design. You designed it to be a place flowing with love, growth, accountability, and guidance. Ephesians 6:4 reads, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Lord, our culture wishes to strip parents of their God-given right to instruct and socialize their children in Your Word. Our schools are infiltrated with messages that contradict the Truth and our policy puts strains on Your design for the family that have never been seen before. Parents are put in difficult situations where they are between the law and their morals. I pray for these situations; provide them with strength and discernment.

Lord, we are seeing more broken families than ever before, largely due to people looking at cultural norms rather than understanding Your Truth. I pray for these broken families. I pray for those broken families in which the separation was unavoidable; lend each member peace. I pray for those families that have been divided due to cultural influence; lend them clarity. I pray for the Family of God as a whole; lend us unity, allow us to call each other higher as we learn to live more like Your Son, and allow us to lean on one another when times are difficult.

In Your precious and holy Name we pray, amen. 

October 19, 2024- 17 days until the election

A prayer for the Senate Race
Written by Linda Schauer, State Director, South Dakota

Lord, we praise You because You are worthy. You are our Redeemer. 

Father, we lift up the election of United States Senators before you today. Daniel 2:21 says, “And He changes the times and the seasons. He removes kings and raises up kings: He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”

We ask that You put into office the ones You chose, those who know You and practice Your wisdom and moral leadership. Give voters wisdom as they carefully consider the candidates and vote. 

 “But select capable men … who fear God, trustworthy men…” Exodus 18:21

In the name of Jesus, our Sovereign King,


October 18, 2024- 18 days until the election

A prayer to love thy neighbor
Written by Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America

Do you, like me, worry about the future of our nation based on this election?  I was reminded in my devotional this morning of two things.

First, we are all members of the Kingdom of God and, therefore, in exile. Second, even in exile, God is merciful and wants us to fully participate in where He has sent us. In Jeremiah 29:5-7 the Lord, through the prophet Jeremiah, tells the children of Israel what to do and how to behave in exile. 

“Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”

I believe that this is how God wants His people to behave in our earthly homes. We must not turn our eyes from the needs of our communities, states, and nation just because we long for Heaven. My mother called the people that choose to ignore the world around them: “People that are so heavenly-minded, that they are of no earthly good.” We are to make our nation, states, and communities better because of our presence. 

Join me in prayer. 

Dear Lord, we pray for both ourselves and other members of the Church that we do not avert our eyes from the ungodliness, the human suffering, and the brokenness around us. Lord Jesus, please help us to know how best to care for the “least of these.” Help our churches to be good citizens. I pray that Your people will show up and vote like never before in U.S. history. Please help people to understand that we have an obligation to vote in order to give our neighbors good leadership. Help each of us see today the things that we need to do for our community to improve the lives of those around us. We thank You for the honor of being born an American citizen. We accept the responsibility that comes with that honor. Help us to love our neighbors. 

In Jesus’ name we pray,

October 17, 2024- 19 days until the election

Strengthen and Convict our Young Leaders, Lord
Written by Macy Petty, CWA Legislative Strategist

Heavenly Father, 

In Your abundant mercy, we come to You to ask Your hand of protection over our nation’s young women, specifically the female athletes caught in the middle of an ideological battle. Would You protect those who are threatened, preserve the innocence of those victimized, and equip those on the front lines? We thank You, for You have used them as vessels of truth in a culture that has betrayed Your authority over creation. Would You strike conviction into the hearts and minds of our leaders and urge them to stand for what is right and what they know to be true? Holy Spirit, we ask that You’d embolden these new leaders and female athletes to continue the charge to restore the dignity of femininity in our country for Your Name’s sake.

In Jesus’ name, 


October 16, 2024- 20 days until the election

A Prayer for God’s Will
Written by Keri Ann Thompson, Constituent Services Representative and Data Analyst for CWA

Heavenly Father, I come before Your throne today with a grateful heart and a humble spirit, acknowledging that You are Sovereign over all things and that nothing is that is not known by You.  Lord, I confess that there are times that I forget this and try to take control or make things bend to my will.  I thank You for Your Holy Spirit Who gives me guidance and reminds me that it is my job to do what You direct, not to be in charge.  God, I do fervently pray for an awakening of Christians in this country.  If those who claim Your Name would vote for the values and principles most closely aligned with Your Word, there would be no question of victory. Just as You have raised armies from dried bones, I ask that You awaken Your Church – activate the army that You have here in this country.  Forgive us of our apathy and spur us to action. Even as I pray this, I ask, Lord, that not my will, but Yours be done – for Your honor and Your glory – in the name of Christ I pray, Amen.

October 15, 2024- 21 days until the election

A Prayer for Direction and Discernment
Written by Katy Hergenreter, YWA Northern Regional Coordinator

Ephesians 5:15-16 says, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”

Lord, allow us to use our time in a way that honors You. Direct our steps so that we should look carefully and remain faithful as we walk through this election season.  Even in the midst of the evil around us, we are reminded of Your sovereignty. You see every detail of this election and the results will not be a surprise to You. Allow us to take comfort knowing that Your hand is over every piece. Give us discernment on how we can make the best use of the time You have given us and the roles You have placed us in during this election season.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

October 14, 2024- 22 days until the election

Prayer for states that are voting on life
Written by Abi-Ananiah Prudent, YWA Southern Regional Coordinator


You are good. Thank You for how, in Your kindness, You allow us the opportunity to intercede on behalf of those around us. Lord, as I continue to seek Your face, I want to bring to You the hearts of those across the nation. Lord, You created the gift of life, and we have decided to continuously distort the reality of the sanctity of this gift. Lord, across this nation the gift of life is being placed on the ballot as if we are meant to decide the significance of life. God, it is unjust and foolish of us to allow life to be so easily discarded. God, across this nation, convict us of how we have idolized convenience and personal gain at the expense of life You created. Lord, I pray that You allow protections to be made to prevent this continued atrocity of the abortion industry. God, You are all powerful, and it is in Your hands. Lord, break our hearts for what breaks Yours.

Lord, usher Your children to stand up, to vote, to speak boldly for those who cannot speak for themselves. I believe, Lord, that this nation is in desperate need of Your merciful hand, Your intervention. Lord, I pray that You intervene so that lives can be saved. Lord, I pray that You press on the hearts of those who are uncertain, Lord, and reveal Yourself and Your love for them. I pray that the knowledge of Your love will usher people to act in favor of life. Lord, I ask because I know you can.

In your Son’s name I pray,


October 13, 2024- 23 days until the election

A prayer to not be passive
Written by Kay Campbell – Kansas Prayer/Action Chapter member 

Father God, 

We give You all glory, honor and praise, and we humbly ask for Your mercy and grace. As all can see, our nation is in a time of turmoil, in homes, schools, universities, health care, media, government, and even churches. We know the battle is not with flesh and blood but in the spirit realm.  You tell us we need to be still and let You fight our battles.  We also know we are not to be passive bystanders, so like Aaron we hold up the arms of our righteous leaders, including the ones running for office.  We watch from hills and walls in expectation of miracles, signs, and wonders. We charge all shepherds to take up their sling shots and stones and bring down the lions, bears, and Goliaths coming after the sheep and coming after our Nation. Give us wisdom and revelation to know how to do Your will personally and corporately. Help us to know how we must engage as Christians- from the schoolhouse to the White House. Let us all have “elephant knees” to be praying for Christian citizens to understand that it is their duty to influence and engage in the political process.  We must be the salt and light in the political arena so that a Biblical worldview can be woven through our policies and laws and leaders.  Thank You, Lord!  We praise You, Lord, for allowing us to live in this great nation and having the opportunity to vote for our leaders so that our leaders will reflect Your light! 

We pray all these things in Your Mighty Name,


October 12, 2024- 24 days until the election

Continuous Prayer for Israel
Written by Morgan Haddock, YWA Ambassador, Houston, Texas

Lord Jesus,

We come to You today and every day with hearts of thanksgiving, recognizing Your continued mercy over the nation of Israel. We thank You for hearing the cries of Your people and for the protective hand You have extended over those who have been rescued. We celebrate the miracles You have performed during their captivity.

We lift up those who remain in captivity. Continue to surround them with Your peace, strength, and comfort through the Holy Spirit. May they feel Your presence in their trials, drawing closer to You, and may You reveal Yourself to those who do not yet know You. Lord, they have spent over a year in these lonely places. Allow them to know You are with them, even in their suffering. 

We also remember those who have lost their lives. Bring comfort to their loved ones, healing their broken hearts. We ask that You send brothers and sisters in Christ to support and surround them during this season of healing. 

“Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security”  Jeremiah 33:6 NIV

Please hear our petitions for your people.

We give You all the glory and all the honor.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

October 11, 2024- 25 days until the election

Prayer for Values Voter Turnout
Written by Denise Cappuccio, Chief Financial Officer at Concerned Women for America

Father God, we pray for a record-breaking turnout of “values voters” in the 2024 election. Statistics note that about 40 million Evangelical Christians typically do not vote in most elections. We pray for a significant turnaround in this number and that many more Christians will vote in this year’s election!

We also pray that You would put an urgency in the hearts and minds of believers to get engaged in the election process. Bring an understanding of the importance of voting for candidates who most align with Biblical values and to prioritize voting for policies over personalities.

Lord, we trust the results of the 2024 election to You! We also understand that we each have a part to play in the outcome. May Your people be wise stewards of the responsibility that we have been given to choose our leaders in this pivotal time in America.

We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers!

In Jesus’ name we pray,


October 10, 2025- 26 days until the election

A prayer for Christians to engage
Written by Jennifer Pendleton, CWA of Kentucky State Director


The cries of Your people are loud and painful.
We experience so much that is out of our control.
Physical, emotional, and spiritual darkness falls as the wages of sin swirl all around us.
We are weary.

But there is HOPE.
A new day is on the horizon.
A glorious expectation of redemption, restoration, and PEACE.
A PEACE only possible because of Your sovereignty. 

We pray for the FAITH to believe.
May our minds quiet in Your presence.
May our spirits rest on Your WORD.
May we be strengthened by the power of Your name, JESUS.

As Christians all around the country face each day with personal challenges,
May we be empowered to recognize our opportunity to make a difference,
By engaging in our communities and families,
Letting our voices be heard at the ballot box. 

Break our hearts for what breaks Yours. 
May we be ready to use the legacy of freedom
To turn the tide of a cynical and prideful generation. 
Be merciful to us and move us to action.

I would have despaired
Unless I believed that I would
See the goodness of Yahweh
In the land of the living.

Psalm 27:13

In Jesus’ name we pray,


October 9, 2024- 27 days until the election

A prayer for House and Senate races
Written by Faith Ozenbaugh, National Director of Young Women for America

Lord, we thank You for the privilege of living in a country where our voices are heard and our vote matters. 

We praise You for preserving our election system in which we get to cast our votes for those who align closest with our convictions. As we vote this fall, guide our hearts and minds to the candidates who best upholds Your Truth. We pray for godly leadership and radical faith in as many elected offices as would be Your will. Today we pray specifically for the candidates’ seeking seats in both the U.S. House and Senate. Remind Your people of the importance of these positions: the positions that create laws that prayerfully would honor You. Guide us to intentionally advocate for candidates who seek Truth and goodness. 

Would Your spirit be present in the lives of those who desire to honor You while serving our country in this way? Bless and keep them, Lord. We praise You for the congressmen and women who serve You faithfully each day. Increase their faith and multiply their number. We pray in faith that You would fill our nation’s Congress with people who stand upon Your Word boldly, for Your glory. As Your people, use us to make the leadership changes we want to see in our country. Thank You for holding our nation in the palm of Your hand.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

October 8, 2024- 28 days until the election

Fill Us with Faith in You
Written by Gabby Sherer, YWA Ambassador in Phoenix, Arizona

God, as we enter this season, I ask that You would allow us to be good stewards of the life and nation You have given us. That as Your followers we would be able to step into this season to make a decision in voting that would honor You, that would allow us to find ourselves proud of the decisions we made, that we know we are handling the blessings You have given us in the greatest way we would know how. I pray that You would place it on the heart of each of Your followers what it means to be a steward in that way.  

God, we lift our nation to You today. As we enter into a time that creates stress and tension for so many, we ask Your hand to be present over us. That You fill each and every one of us with peace. Peace in knowing we live a life for You and You alone. Knowing that all things work for the good of those who love You. That we can have faith in our future with You, that You have a plan greater than we could ever understand. And through it all, I pray You would help us to remember Romans 13:1 “Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.” God help us to remember that in all things, no matter the outcome, it all falls into a plan You have created, that we know this came from You, that we can trust in the direction You’re taking us.

In Jesus’ Name,


October 7, 2024- 29 days until the election

A Prayer for Israel
Written by Penny Nance, President and CEO of Concerned Women for America

Jeremiah 13:15-17 NIV

“15 This is what the Lord says: ‘A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.’
16 This is what the Lord says: ‘Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded,’ declares the Lord. ‘They will return from the land of the enemy.’
17 ‘So there is hope for your descendants,’ declares the Lord. ‘Your children will return to their own land.’”

This is the Scripture that I prayed over the families of American and Israeli hostages after October the 7th last year when Hamas terrorist invaded Israel by air, sea, and land to murder, rape, and kidnap men women and even babies. I know it happened because I was invited to come to the Israeli Embassy to view the live footage taken from the phones and GoPro cameras of the terrorists. I didn’t want to see it, but I knew God wanted me to do so to give testimony to the atrocities. Now, one year later, men, women, and, yes, babies are still being held captive. Some of the seven Americans and over 100 Israelis may be dead, but regardless, the families need their bodies back.  One-year-old Kfir and five-year-old Ariel Bibas must come home. I ask you to get on your knees with me today and ask God to free the captives. Please pray Jeremiah 31:15-17 over them and Isaiah 51:21-23 and Isaiah 52:1-3.   

Lord God Jehovah, We pray that You will send mighty angel armies to rescue the hostages. Lord, we pray terror on those who wish to harm or have already harmed Your little ones. God we know that evil Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has ordered the execution of any hostages that are in the process of being rescued. Lord, we pray that You remove him from power immediately and permanently. God, we pray for peace for Israel. Defeat their enemies in the south but also their enemies in the North, Hezbollah. God, please send angel army chariots to trample Israel’s enemies in such defeat that they are defeated and serve as a cautionary tale to those who want to destroy Israel. Father, we pray especially against Iran who is funding and causing all of this evil. They also are plotting to murder Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo. God, we pray against their wicked plans and ask You to create such chaos in their camps that they literally turn and murder each other as happened in the Old Testament.  

Finally, please comfort the little ones who have returned home traumatized. Please heal them from the evil they have endured and bring comfort to their families who survived.  

As I speak today on the National Mall in today’s rally, please give me the words to comfort the Jewish people and help me to point them to You. 

In Jesus’ name I pray,


October 6, 2024- 30 days until the election

A prayer for the upcoming president
Written by Naomi Park, YWA Ambassador at Liberty University

Heavenly Father,

Thank You that You are good and that Your love endures forever! We praise You for You are sovereign, merciful, just, and good. We thank You that You have already gone before us and are victorious no matter the outcome of this upcoming election. As we approach one of the most tumultuous elections in our country’s history, I pray for wisdom, peace, and clarity for every voter on both sides of the political aisle. Would You soften America’s heart as she seeks a new president? Let our hearts be reminded of humanity, not hatred. 

God, remind voters that our next president will not only lead this country but also lead the world. May we vote for a leader who will initiate peace in the world, especially in the Middle East. Holy Spirit, remind voters of the hostages who remain in Hamas’ clutches. May we think of them as we decide who, as America’s president, will work to bring them home, and Lord we pray they would come home alive. Remind voters of those who have lost their lives in the Israel-Hamas war, including American citizens. Remind voters of the children who watched their parents be murdered. Remind voters of the unimaginable tragedies against the state of Israel. Help us remember the cost of war, not just the news of war. 

Holy Spirit, remind us of these things as we choose our next president. Let us elect a leader who projects American strength to those who seek harm against your chosen people. Guide us to select a leader who desires peace in the Middle East, the protection of Israel, and the preservation of every innocent life. 

We love You; we thank You, and we trust You.

In Jesus Christ’s name,


October 5, 2024- 31 days until the election

A prayer for world leaders engaged in the war in the Middle East
Written by Halli Gravley, YWA Ambassador at Liberty University


You are good. Holy. Almighty. King above all kings. Faithful. We come to You today with heavy hearts for the people of Israel, Your people. The promised Land. We pray for the hostages’ safety, for protection over them, and that they will return home to their families. We pray that our government can be on the frontlines to bring them home. Father, we ask for discernment and strength for our Commander in Chief and legislative branch; be with them Father. Please lend them clarity and wisdom. Guide their hands; may they seek You in all decisions to come. We pray that You would soften the hearts of leaders on all sides of this conflict. Lead them to You first, Jesus. Open the eyes of world leaders to the souls still being held hostage in Gaza. We pray that our government would realize the importance of these lives, that they are not just names on paper, but children of Yours. 

You are the provider and the protector; please be with the people of Israel. 

In Jesus’ name we pray,


October 4, 2024- 32 days until the election

Thank You for breaking my heart for what breaks Yours
Written by Paige Nelson, Strategic Partnerships Manager

Lord Jesus, 

I come to You today with a broken heart for the nation of Israel. Father, You see Your Promised Land in a time of need, and we know that Your plans are far greater than ours. We know that You weep with our grieving hearts, even with the knowledge that You are fighting our battles and that You have already won the war.

Jesus, I praise You for giving me new life in You. For allowing my heart to break for what breaks Yours. As the calendar nears October 7, the one-year anniversary of the terror that took place in Israel, I pray for protection over the hearts and minds of every Jew in this world. For the families grieving the empty seat at their dinner table, for the students missing their study partners, for the parents with unanswered questions as their loved ones remain unaccounted for in Hamas’ possession. God, I pray for an overwhelming sense of peace to wash over the Jewish people this week. Peace that has no explanation aside from Your love.

My most earnest prayer, Heavenly Father, is that You would reveal Yourself fully to our Jewish brothers and sisters. Whether it be through dreams, a conversation, a personal encounter with You, Jesus, bring them into Your presence. There is nothing of this world that can take away the pain and loss of tragedies such as October 7, 2023. But we know that in You there is fullness of joy, peace, and forgiveness.

May the words of Psalm 23 ring in the ears of our Jewish friends across the world this week. I pray that it would take on a new meaning in the Truth of the testimony of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

I praise You, Jesus, for Your death, the death I should have died, and Your resurrection that has led me to new life in You. I am undeserving of Your love, to You be all the glory.

In Christ’s Holy name I pray,


October 3, 2024- 33 days until the election

Prayer for the Hostages and our Nation 
Written by YWA Ambassador, GraceAnn Siff, Liberty University 

Father, we plead for Your mercies. Our world has turned its back on You and Your ways. We thank You for the comfort our lives in the United States bring us, and we thank You for the hope that You give us in Your Word; reminding us that no day is beyond Your comprehension, and no leader too great to stand in the way of Your plans. 

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”  Psalm 139:16 (NIV) 

Lord, we pray today for the hostages still in Gaza- for their safety and spiritual health in this time. They have gone and are going through unspeakable horror, but we know in the darkest of places Your love and peace come to those who seek You. We pray for their comfort; we ask that our government would prioritize lives over profits, and these are loved ones who are struggling to survive and not a political talking point or name on a paper. We pray peace over the hostages and that Your peace would fill them and they be set free to be united with their families. We pray a special comfort over the families of the hostages, of those freed and in captivity, that You would fill them with abundant peace no matter the outcome. 

Heavenly Father, we also pray for our current Commander-in-Chief and the one to come in January. Equip his or her mind now with the wisdom to bring peace to the Middle East. You appoint our leaders; we pray for protection over the people that are affected by their decision making. Thank You for Your mercy on our nation.  

We thank You for Your sovereignty and thank You for hearing us. We love You and worship You, our King of Kings. 

In Jesus’ Holy Name, 


October 2, 2014- 34 days until the election

A prayer for the vice-presidential candidates
Written by Deena Willcox, Executive Assistant to CWA’s Vice President

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come to You today with open hands and humble hearts. 

As the election approaches, we ask for Your guidance in navigating this confusing and divided time. Please grant us kind words and steadfast minds, rooted in Your Word, as we seek to honor You. 

Thank You for allowing us to hear both vice-presidential candidates speak on the national stage and for granting us the ability to stay informed about our nation. We pray for both candidates, asking that You touch their hearts and draw them closer to You. We pray for the partnership with their respective presidential candidates. We pray for understanding and communication between each pair, that by Your help alone, their actions would glorify You. Please protect and guide them, Lord. 

As the election nears, we feel the increasing division in our country. We pray for unity among Your Church and empathy among all people. Use us as peacemakers, leading others to You with humility and grace.

Remind us, Father, that You hold ultimate authority over all leaders.

We ask that You keep our nation and its potential leaders close to You, Lord.

In Jesus’ precious and Holy name, we pray,


October 1, 2024- 35 days until the election

Prayer for the Pastors and Pulpits
Written by Denise Cappuccio, CWA’s Chief Financial Officer

Lord, we pray for many bold and fearless pastors to speak truth from their pulpits during this election season. As Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “The Church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state.” 

In colonial America, many ministers gave “Election Sermons” around election day. Yet, today, there are many pastors who are reluctant to speak from a Biblical worldview about the issues our nation is facing. We pray for a turnaround in this current trend and for a new boldness to come upon pastors and pulpits across America! May they understand that the only probable place where people will hear the truth spoken today is in a Bible-believing church because it is unlikely that they will hear it from the media, secular universities, or public schools.

Over 150 years ago, Charles Finney, the revivalist preacher during America’s Second Great Awakening, had these words to say…

“Brethren, our preaching will bear its legitimate fruits. If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours in a great degree. If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discrimination, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. Let us not ignore this fact, my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation.”
(excerpt from “The Decay of Conscience” article published in The Independent of New York magazine on December 4, 1873)

We pray that many pastors today will lay these words to heart and awaken to their responsibility in respect to the future of our nation!

In Jesus’ name we pray,


September 30, 2024- 36 days until the election

May our actions glorify You
Written by Katy Hergenreter, YWA Regional Coordinator

Heavenly Father,

I pray that You are glorified through this election season. You are the ultimate authority and ruler of this nation. Thank You for Your steadfast faithfulness in our lives. Continue to give us discernment so that we do not act in foolishness but that we may understand Your will for how we are to cast our vote. No matter the outcome of this election, You are still good, Father. I pray that we rest in the knowledge that You are in control. As we find ways to take action in this election, may our actions ultimately glorify You.

“To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12).

In Jesus’ Holy name I pray,


September 29, 2024- 37 days until the election

Transform our nation, Lord! (Part 2)
By Mary Catherine Toburen, CWA of Kansas chapter member

Father, we speak TRANSFORMATION over our nation according to these three Scriptures:

Matthew 15:13

“Every plant, which My Heavenly Father has not planted, shall be rooted up.”

Matthew 15:14

“Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”

Deuteronomy 9:3

“The LORD OUR GOD IS HE WHO goes before us as a consuming fire: He shall destroy the giants in the land and He shall bring them down before our faces as we drive them out and destroy (their influence) quickly.”

As Your servants, we uproot pride, manipulation, and corruption in government, and we sow seeds of humility, faithful service and integrity. We declare that all those in positions of authority who have cheated, lied to, stolen from, betrayed and/or perverted justice will be exposed, judged and made to pay their due penalty. We say they lose access to the government going forward and are replaced by Your willing servants.

As Your servants, we uproot the popular deception that we are gods and need no one to teach us in our schools and universities. We call forth The Spirit of Truth to teach our youth that true wisdom is dependence on GOD. We cry out to You, Father, to deliver our education system from the tyranny of humanistic perversion and corporate predators. Let school choice and parental authority be the law of our land!

As your servants, we uproot idolatry, witchcraft, sorcery, and apostasy in our nation. We beseech You, Father, to breathe upon our churches to preach the eternal Gospel of Redemption by the Blood sacrifice of our LORD and Savior JESUS Christ in love so that the least of our communities hear the Good News that GOD loves even them and wants them in His Family.

As Your servants, we uproot greed, the love of money and generational poverty in our nation. We implore you to showcase Your choice of compassionate capitalism as Your economic technology for reward and advancement of humanity from now until Eternity. We pray our financial systems be reset, our national debt be repaid/cancelled, our currency represents true value, our economic engine be restored, and our banking and marketplace systems regain sovereignty. 

As Your servants, we uproot seduction and compromise in America’s arts and entertainment. We say our creatives learn that GOD wants us to have fun and enjoy life. We say our artists and entertainment complexes choose to glorify GOD with their art. We call forth provision to boost Christian and family themed stories that display redemption and hope.

As Your servants, we uproot rejection, perversion, and brokenness in our families. We proclaim GOD’S unconditional love, acceptance, and strength to redeem them. We say You are turning the hearts of the fathers and mothers to their children, the hearts of the children to their parents, and the hearts of us all to our Good, Good Father GOD. Restore and heal! Heal and restore our families, O GOD!!!

As Your servants, we uproot the spirits of fear, deception, despair, and destruction communicated through our media. We cancel their vibrations and loose the vibrations of faith in GOD’S Goodness, the Truth that sets men free and confidence in a future where we rise into our destiny as transformers and flourish as a transformed nation under GOD, honoring and depending on Him for our blessings.

In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen

September 28, 2024- 38 days until the election

Transform our nation, Lord! (Part 1)
By Mary Catherine Toburen, CWA of Kansas chapter member

Father, we thank You that America was raised up by GOD to be a city on a hill, a beacon of light to preach the Gospel of The Kingdom to all nations and serve them.

We bless You that America was founded by GOD under an appeal to Heaven and is still covenanted to Him by prayer, sacrifice, and blood.

Therefore, we release the Fear of The Lord as a cleansing flood over our land.

We say to America, “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be expunged, that times of refreshing may come from The Presence of The LORD!” (Acts 3:19).

We say, “Angels of Awakening and Salvation: COME! Usher souls into the saving knowledge of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!” Let the Gospel be shared in love and joy by us as we raise our families, shop for our groceries, go to our ballgames, work our jobs, go to our schools and love our neighbors. 

We ask You to awaken, transform and activate Your body to walk in our purpose.

Move us from….
deception to REVELATION 
intimidation to HOLY BOLDNESS 
yielding to culture to TRANSFORMING CULTURE 
fearing chaos & loss to STANDING & SEEING GOD’S SALVATION 

We ask this all in Jesus’ name- Amen.

September 27, 2024- 39 days until the election

Share your petitions with God
Written by Penny Nance, CEO and President of CWA

Do you ever wonder if God gets tired of our constant petitioning?  If my family only spoke to me when they wanted something, I would be distraught.  In that same way, our perfect, holy, merciful, and sovereign God also wants our devotion.  David was “a man after God’s own heart.”  David was imperfect, but no one can read his writings and deny a deep love for God, and this pleased God. Today I challenge you to not only share your petitions with God but to also first love and worship Him. Pray with me Psalm 63. Consider reading it aloud with your arms held high, offering it to the Lord as a praise and worship. 

1 You, God, are my God,
    earnestly I seek you;
I thirst for you,
    my whole being longs for you,
in a dry and parched land
    where there is no water.

I have seen you in the sanctuary
    and beheld your power and your glory.
Because your love is better than life,
    my lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live,
    and in your name I will lift up my hands.
I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods;
    with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

On my bed I remember you;
    I think of you through the watches of the night.
Because you are my help,
    I sing in the shadow of your wings.
I cling to you;
    your right hand upholds me.

Those who want to kill me will be destroyed;
    they will go down to the depths of the earth.
10 They will be given over to the sword
    and become food for jackals.

11 But the king will rejoice in God;
    all who swear by God will glory in him,
    while the mouths of liars will be silenced.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

September 26, 2024- 40 days until the election

You Are Our Never-ending Peace
Written by Maggie McKneely, CWA Legislative Strategist

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6


Author of the beginning and end of all things. While the troubles of this world unsettle us and make us anxious, may we not let them distract us from Your unchanging goodness. May we find rest in Your never-ending peace amid political turmoil. And may we know that whatever happens in 40 days, it is for the good of Your people and for Your Kingdom. 

But let us also not become complacent, that even though we know that the outcome is ultimately in Your hands, may we continue to speak the Truth and encourage others to choose righteousness, never tiring of the work that You have called us to do. 

Thank You for always being our guiding light and firm foundation.

In Jesus’ name we pray,


September 25, 2024- 41 days until the election

The Lord is My Light and My Salvation
Written by Reagan Philbeck, YWA Chapter President at Lee University

Heavenly Father,
As election season quickly approaches, I pray for the spirit of wisdom and discernment to wash over this nation. I ask that You restore confidence and authority in those who fight on behalf of the kingdom of God. May we not shrink back in fear, doubt, or worry, but be reminded that the Spirit of the living God is within us and act upon it!

Just like David, I pray that You revive those of us whom have been forgotten or overlooked and use us to stand firm in our faith and take down the giants before us. Remind us that we have a voice and can use it for good! Lord, You make a way when there is no way and You bring beauty from ashes. You bring dead things to life, and nothing is too far gone for You, God. Use us, Lord, to bring Your light to this nation in a time of unrest. Use us to redeem what has been broken. For we are created for such a time as this. We love You, Lord. Thank You for Your never-ending faithfulness. 

“The Lord is my light and my salvation. I fear no one. The Lord protects my life. I am afraid of no one.” (Psalm 27).

In Jesus’ Holy name we pray, Amen.

September 24, 2024- 42 days until the election

Allow Us to Communicate Your Truth
Written by Katelyn Vergakis, YWA Chapter President at Clemson University

Heavenly Father,

I pray that You will open our eyes to the evil being given so much power in our nation. Give us the courage to stand up for Truth, for life, and for dignity, no matter the cost. Convict us to not stand off to the side passively, but to defend our beliefs and back them with our words and actions. Equip us to speak the Truth in love, and as we have conversations with those with whom we disagree, help us to communicate with kindness, love, and gentleness without sacrificing the Truth. Lord, shape us to be Your vessels so that others would not see us but Christ in us. Fill us with Your love and Your light. Remind us that darkness, evil, death, and the worst schemes of man have no power over You. Guide us to rest and hope in You alone. 

Thank You for Your sacrifice on the cross and Your love poured out over us. 

We love You, and we praise You and may we honor and glorify You in everything that we say and do. 

In Jesus’ holy and precious name,


September 23, 2024- 43 days until the election

Thank You for Your grace
Written by Celso Wiggins, Staff Assistant at CWA

Our Father in Heaven, I come before You to pray for our nation, our leaders, and for our country. I pray for CWA: staff, leaders, volunteers, and Board of Directors. Remind us of Your grace that saved us so that we may approach Your throne with gratitude and earnest faith. Please forgive us of our pride, open our eyes to see Your will for this great nation and the people who inhabit it.

Refine our hearts with Your Truth this morning: “Judge not, that you be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1)

We give You all the glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

September 22, 2024- 44 days until the election

Help Us Be Salt and Light
Written by Sarah Merly, YWA Chapter President at Patrick Henry College

Lord, we praise You and You alone for the many blessings You have showered upon the United States of America. Thank You for our ability to worship You freely, to raise our families in safe communities, and to spread the Gospel without fear of persecution. As we enter this election season, please give our country the wisdom, discernment, and integrity it needs to vote for Your timeless principles. Save us, Lord, from another administration that murders the unborn and hates our own history. Let us encourage those around us to be salt and light—not just privately, but in the polls, in campaigning, and so much more. I ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.

September 21, 2024- 45 days until the election

Heavenly Father, You are our hope
Written by Mary Meininger, CWA of Kansas State Director

Heavenly Father,

We praise YOU in the mighty name of Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith!  We praise You for our founding fathers and the foundation that they set for our country which was built on YOUR law and commands.  We know that the battles we face in our nation today are many, and just as our forefathers appealed to Heaven, so must we appeal to Heaven for HE is our only hope.  

Thank you, Lord, for creating this Republic. A Republic for YOUR purposes: to be a tool used in YOUR hands, to set in stone our religious freedom so that we can share the Gospel far and wide and to stand firm against evil and destroy it in all situations.  LORD, we know that the survival of this nation depends on YOU and our nation needs strong leaders that have the fear of GOD and YOUR point of view.  Our government is too swollen and serves to protect itself and not the people of this nation.  Please help us repent and return to YOU and a government that is smaller and is set to protect and serve its people.  

Let us pray and then seek to elect leaders who recognize our great need for divine wisdom and the “fear of the LORD.” (Psalm 85:6,9) “Will You not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in YOU? … that (GOD’s) glory may dwell in our land?”  

Let us pray for leaders who would humble themselves and be used for GOD’s glory and HIS purposes.  May GOD grant every good purpose that HE has planned for this nation’s future and accomplish it for HIS glory and our good.  We pray for those who serve in leadership and government to be capable of discerning good from evil and be galvanized to do what is right no matter what they face.  Our Republic can only survive by a virtuous people. 

Let us pray 1 Timothy 2:1-3 so that we can live in peace and serve YOU.  As we pray for our leaders and the role of government, may YOUR name be highly exalted and praised.  May people repent and return to YOU asking Jesus to come into their hearts to be Lord and Savior of their lives. 

In Jesus’ Precious Name we pray. Amen. 

September 20, 2024- 46 days until the election

A Refreshing Pouring Out of Your Spirit
Written by Kenda Bartlett, Chief Administrative Officer at CWA
In the midst of all things, LORD, we worship You. 
We proclaim holy, holy, holy is our God.
We declare Your glory across our nation.
You are worthy of all praise!
We confess, Lord, that there are times You feel far away
As if the world is spinning out of control.
But we declare as the prophet Hosea did,
“Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD; His going out is sure as the dawn; He will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth” (Hosea 6:3).
We are thankful that You are reliable,
That we can depend on Your presence,
And we can know that You will always provide
What is right and good for us.
Father, this election season is one of those times
When we need a refreshing pouring out of Your Spirit across this nation.
We need to be reminded that You will come as “the spring rains that water the earth.”
We will feel Your refreshing and know that You control it all,
And we have nothing to fear. 
We thank You for that assurance in Jesus’ name,

September 19, 2024- 47 days until the election

Align our hearts with Yours
Written by Michaella Schaffer, YWA Ambassador at California Baptist University

Heavenly Father,

We humbly bow before You, acknowledging that You are the Author and the Perfector. We submit to You, Lord, as the ultimate power, the all-knowing, and the one and only God of this universe. You are in control no matter the chaos and confusion that disrupts our nation, and we rejoice in that. Father, thank You for caring so deeply for us, and thank You for not only hearing our cries but listening to them.

So, Lord, we cry out for our nation. We pray for boldness and wisdom for everyone who claims Your name. We pray for a divine unrest that urges them to care about fighting for Truth. We pray that churches come together to resist the attack that the enemy wages against them. We ask for a revival among the American people like we have never seen before. We pray that people hear the Gospel and are called into action. Lord, we pray for our enemies. No evil is too much for Your love to conquer. Reveal Your glory and power to those who hate You and save them.

Align our hearts with Yours, Lord, and give us more grace, love, patience, and joy. Above all else, Lord, let Your name be magnified, not only throughout this nation but in every nation throughout Your world.

We love You,


September 18, 2024- 48 days until the election

A Prayer for Protection and Healing
Written by Josh Perry, CWA’s Regional Director, External Relations

Lord, thank you for once again protecting President Trump from another assassination attempt. We pray that you would continue to protect him from harm. Our country is in desperate need of healing and a return to you. Please heal the division and hatred within our nation that fuels these actions. Have mercy on us.


September 17, 2024- 49 days until the election

Protect this nation, Lord
Written by Ana Castillo, Office Manager and Finance Assistant at CWA

Heavenly Father,

I pray for Your hedge of protection over this nation, our elected officials, and candidates. Lord Jesus, I pray for safety over each one of them, including their families, for healthy bodies and for travel mercies as they are on the campaign trail. 

I ask that Your hand be over them. Protect each candidate, let their speech be revealing as to what master they serve. I pray that in their campaign efforts, their intentions for this nation would be made clear. I pray the people of this nation watch each candidate with a critical eye and cast their votes according to policy, not popularity. 

In this campaign season, we have seen a threat to the safety of our former president twice, as well as the loss of American citizens engaging in the democratic process. Lord, please protect the people of this nation. Your Word says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). Protect the public from evil doers who want to tear apart this nation that You have bestowed to us. 

I praise You for Your Son, may the power of His death and resurrection never be lost on us. 

In Jesus’ precious name we pray,


September 16, 2024- 50 days until the election

A Prayer for the Presidential Candidates
Written by Paige Nelson, Donor Relations Coordinator

Heavenly Father,

You are a good and gracious God. We come before You humbly and in complete adoration of Your Majesty. In times of political turmoil, we draw confidence from Your steady and perfect plan. 

Lord Jesus, today I specifically lift up our presidential candidates to You. I pray that You would soften the hearts of both former President Trump and of Vice President Harris. Would You draw them close to You today? We believe in the power of mighty prayers, and that You can cause radical transformation. We believe in Saul’s conversion to Paul – an impossible scenario for man to overcome, but through You we know that anything is possible. 

Heavenly Father, we come before You in repentance for placing our hopes and ambitions in politicians before You. Please recenter our eyes on You. Throughout the remainder of this election process, Lord, I pray you do a miracle work in the hearts and minds of all of those on ballots this November. From the local school boards to the President of the United States, nothing is out of Your grasp, nothing is out of Your plans. 

We praise You for sanctifying us every single day, Father. Thank you for being our refuge and our solid rock. 

In Your Heavenly name we pray,


September 15, 2024- 51 days until the election

A Prayer to Stay True
Written by Denise Cappuccio, CWA’s Chief Financial Officer

Lord, we come before You today on behalf of our nation and the 2024 elections. We ask for candidates who would stay true to their convictions and the principles found in Your Word. We pray against doublemindedness. James 1: 8 says that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. America needs leaders who will stand firm on the important issues currently facing our nation despite what popular opinion or political polls might be saying.

We pray for Your conviction in the hearts and minds of those running for office who are being tempted to waver. Elijah said to the people of Israel in I Kings 18: 21, “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.”  May those who are wavering and faltering between two opinions begin to see clearly and decide to stay true to the truth!

We thank You, Lord, for hearing and answering our prayers.

In Jesus’ name we pray,


September 14, 2024- 52 days until the election

Your Will Be Done
Written by Maggie Jernas, YWA Chapter President at Cedarville University


We lift up this nation to You in a time of uncertainty. Thank You for the way You have changed so many hearts in our nation to impact policy for Biblical values. We know You are working each and every day to bring good to those who love You, for Your glory. You are so faithful, even when we are not. 

Right now, Lord, we ask for You to continue impacting hearts and minds with Your Word and for Your kingdom. May this election reflect Your glory in integrity and in our reactions. We pray for Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, for we know that You are sovereign and Your way is always better. 

Empower us to lift up a voice for the defenseless as You have called us to do in Psalm 82 and Proverbs 31. Allow us to be impacted by Your Word and impact others through Your Word. In all things, we seek to honor You; may this election honor You. 

May we choose to take up our cross and follow You each day as we seek to imitate Christ. Help us to speak 100% truth in 100% grace so we are doing right by You, Lord. 

In Jesus’ Holy name we pray,


September 13, 2024- 53 days until the election

Shine forth Your Truth, Lord
Written by Mario Diaz, Esq., Chief Counsel and Chief Operating Officer of CWA


We honor Your Word;
We honor Your Acts;
We honor You, Who are 
Enthroned upon the cherubim.

We come before You with hearts
Full of a lament for our country.
We come with supplications for
Our suffering people and our land.

Shine forth Your Truth, Lord,
For we are blinded!
Blinded by the cares of this world
And the consequences of sin.

Hear our prayers for forgiveness
And restore us, Lord.
Restore our spiritual hearing and sight
That we may thirst after righteousness once again.

O Lord of hosts,
Let not Your anger fall on us.
We acknowledge we stand only by
Your grace and mercy.

Father, as many of us are anxious
About the upcoming election,
We pray that the peace that surpasses understanding
May guard our hearts to hope in You – the One true King.

Grant us emboldened lips to proclaim
Your principles as a guiding light to our fellow countrymen.
So many have lost their north;
We know they must turn to You.

We pray for a movement of your Spirit
In our elections and our elected officials.
We know no place is beyond Your reach,
No one beyond Your love.

Let Your face shine upon us,
And let those who pursue evil
Fall prey to their scheming ways.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray,


September 12, 2024- 54 days until the election

A Prayer for Stirring Hearts
Written by Lauren Glickert, YWA Chapter President at Grove City College

Gracious Lord,

Thank You for Your faithfulness and constant reminders of Your presence. 

As our country nears a turning point through this election season, we pray for Your sovereign intervention into the hearts and minds of the American people. 

Lord, I ask You to remove the veil from the eyes of Americans that they may see the many travesties against our country’s foundational principles. Inspire voters to push back against an America that egregiously indoctrinates our children, ostracizes religious beliefs, perpetuates the objectification of women, and undermines the core values on which our founders built what was—and still is—the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Stir in us a restlessness and dissatisfaction with the trajectory of our country. Strip away our complacency. Inspire us to action. 

And for the hearts already being stirred towards You, reveal Yourself in new ways. May Your servants produce a plentiful harvest of Christ followers this election season.

Exodus 35 shares, “Then everyone came whose heart was stirred, and everyone whose spirit was willing, and they brought the Lord’s offering for the work of the tabernacle of meeting, for all its service, and for the holy garments.” While we may not be in the process of building a tabernacle, we seek to rebuild our country on a foundation that strives after You alone, Father.  Stir our hearts and give us willing spirits. 

As it says in the Beatitudes in Matthew 5, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” May we draw closer to You this election season. Shine Your face upon us and give us Your peace. 


September 11, 2024- 55 days until the election

Christ- Our Ultimate Authority 
Written by Macy Petty, Legislative Strategist for CWA

Heavenly Father,

When it’s hard and we’re frustrated, help us remember the blessing it is to live in this nation. Thank You for allowing us to play a role in the future of our country. There are people in many countries who have no say and no input, so we do thank you for the freedom to hear from candidates in the presidential debate last night. We thank You for the opportunity to hear from these candidates as we discern how to best honor You with our vote this fall. Please open the eyes of Americans who have been asleep to what is going on in our country and the world.

Grant us wisdom as we reflect upon what we heard last night. Give us discernment about how to converse with people in our close circles about the issues facing us. Help us to rest in Your sovereignty but also inspire us in a holy pursuit.  Light a fire under your people towards righteousness in all things. Finally, we humbly ask for unity, grace, and healing that breaks the strongholds of political lines. Be with us, oh Lord.

In the Holy Name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

September 10, 2024- 56 days until the election

A Prayer for the Debate 
Written by Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America

2 Corinthians 10: 3-5  For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 

Dear Lord, This week we look forward with some fear to the Presidential debate between Vice President Harris and President Trump.  It seems that we have so many lying voices in our culture today and evil strongholds that Satan himself has managed to put into place.  Dear Jesus, our prayer is that You break those strongholds and unleash the truth for all eyes to see on Tuesday. We ask for this not with human plans but through our God-given ability to use prayer and love through the Holy Spirit.(See Ephesians 6:13-18)

Lord, America is a prosperous nation but in our pride, we have oft forgotten the One Who gave us this great and gifted nation.  Lord, once more we bow to You in intersession for our nation’s leaders.  Lord, we bow to Your will, but we ask You to give us a leader that would recognize You and instill policies consistent with Your principles.  We pray against the lies and distortions of the enemy and ask that you to expose anyone scheming in unrighteousness against the United States. Let the debate be an opportunity to break through media distortions for Americans to see more clearly what is best for our nation, as they get ready to go to the polls this November.

Finally, Lord we ask You to forgive us for not waging this spiritual war more often.  We see the harm that is being done to our children’s future, and we can ignore it no more. We ask for Your mercy and not Your justice for ourselves and our nation.

In Jesus’ name we pray,


September 9, 2024-  57 days until the election

Turn our hearts to You
Written by Keri Ann Thompson, Data Analyst and Constituent Services Representative at CWA

Heavenly Father, I come before You this morning with a humble heart, for You are good.  You are strong.  You are wise beyond measure. Lord, when the things I treasure on this earth are crumbling, You remind me that all of this is but dust in the splendor of Your Kingdom.  Your plans are perfect.  Lord, even when I can’t see the way or the why, You are working everything out according to Your purpose, and I praise You and thank You for that.  

Lord, I confess to you that, many times, I selfishly hold my plans as better than Yours.  I think know the answers and the best way forward.  Lord, show me where You would have me move in a different way.  Show me what it is that You would have me do. God, I thank You that You have endless patience with me when I continually give myself, my family, and my country to You, then I turn around and pick up the burden to carry on my own once again. I thank You that You are in control, and that I do not need to be afraid of what happens during this election, because I know that on the day after, You will still be in control and on Your throne.  

God, I ask that You once again bless this nation.  Do what it takes to turn the hearts of Americans back to You.  We, as a nation, have turned our hearts towards selfish ambition and personal
pride – putting personal wants and desires ahead of what is best for us.  I ask that You give us the strength and courage to stand for what is right.  I ask that You favor those who will protect and fight for life from conception through natural death, marriage between one man and one woman, the family, our rights in education, our national sovereignty, those who are being trafficked every day, our religious freedom, and Israel.  We ask that You empower and embolden Your Church- that we would not shy away from speaking Truth.  We ask for Your strength and guidance day by day in the precious Name of Jesus.  Amen. 

September 8, 2024- 58 days until the election

Oaks of Righteousness
Written by Denise Cappuccio, CWA’s Chief Financial Officer

Lord, we pray for Your perfect will to be done in the 2024 elections. Establish righteous leaders in every state across our nation and may the person that You have chosen to be our next President take office. We also ask that You remove those from leadership who have set their hearts and minds against You and the truth of Your Word. 

May there be many more elected officials who are “oaks of righteousness,” planted and standing with unwavering tenacity for Biblical principles. We know that following the truth of Your Word brings life and prosperity to individuals, families, and nations, and we ask for leaders who understand this principle.

Lord, we ask You to remind Your people of the importance of voting their values. Let there be a tremendous turnout of believers voting in this election! 

We see and understand the urgency of the hour and all that is at stake in our country.

If there are any plots being planned to alter the results of the elections or to prevent people from voting, we ask that You uncover that which is hidden in darkness. Shine the light of Your Truth into all areas of corruption and bring complete exposure of lies and deceit! 

We pray and believe that each election taking place will have truthful and accurate counts and results.

We thank You in advance, Almighty God! The future of our nation is in Your hands, and we trust You for a great turnaround!

“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” – Jeremiah 33:3

September 7, 2024- 59 days until the election

Raise up Your warriors
Written by Hannah Faulkner, YWA Chapter President in Rutherford County, Tennessee

Dear Lord,

We come to You with humility and thankfulness to live in a nation where we can publicly profess our faith and love for You. 

We repent for taking this gift of religious liberty for granted. 

God, I pray over the hearts of every American that You would stir a fire in our souls to stand for what is right, to vote this coming election with our Biblical values.

You say in Your Word that “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). 

We ask that You would raise up Godly, courageous leaders to stand for righteousness. 

Leaders like William Bradford, a young man who at the age of 16 was faced with a decision that would change his life forever– follow Christ and be disowned by his family or reject Christ and remain comfortable with his family. William Bradford chose Christ. He chose the uncomfortable, unpopular road––to be rejected by his family, 

(Bradford went on to be one of the prominent leaders of the Mayflower, playing an enormous role in the religious freedom we enjoy today). 

Help us to understand that change starts with us – in our homes, in our communities, and in our own hearts. 

Lead, guide, and give us the courage to be like Esther; radically obedient to Your Word, no matter the cost. 

In Your Name we pray,


September 6, 2024- 60 days until the election

Help us to be living testimonies 
Written by Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America

Life for professing Christians is not without stress, or even pain. We still live in a broken world with broken and aging bodies. However, following Christ means not only a home in heaven but comfort for the journey.  
Dear Lord, we recognize that this earth is not our eternal home. Although, You mean for us to experience joy in this life there are times that we falter. Please forgive our unbelief.  Help us focus on the eternal as well as the temporal. Lord Jesus, this sinful world, and our broken bodies, cause us physical and emotional pain. As the Great Physician, we ask You to heal our nation. Open the eyes of our leaders. Open the eyes of our doctors. Most importantly open our eyes to the things in our hearts that need Your healing; so that we can stand righteously in relationship to You. 
Regardless of our circumstances, we renew our trust in You. Your word in 2 Corinthians 4:8 says, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.”
God, please help us to be living testimonies to Your resurrection. Help us to shine forth Your love and goodness even when we struggle. Our nation is struggling. God, although we don’t deserve it, we ask for Your mercy for our nation. We once more submit to You, while calling upon You to save our nation for the sake of our children and our children’s children. Anoint and equip us to lead the way as Your people in thought and deed.
In Jesus’ Name we pray,


September 5, 2024- 61 days until the election

A prayer for mourning hostage families
Written by Annabelle Rutledge, Executive Vice President of CWA

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Blessed be Your name. You are the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. You comfort us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction (2 Corinthians 1:3).

You tell us to mourn with those who mourn. We are mourning with the families of Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alexander Lebanon, Almog Sarusi, and Ori Danino. 

Our hearts are broken at the innocent loss of life. 

We have righteous anger against the Hamas terrorists who committed this violent crime; righteous indignation against world leaders who turn a blind eye when they could be agents of change. 

“Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” (Amos 5:24)

Please make Yourself known to these families so that in their pain, they might come to know You, the source of peace and comfort. 

Help us be Your hands and feet by extending comfort and peace to those who are mourning these losses in our circles of influence. 

Help us feel the responsibility on our shoulders to elect a leader of this nation who will not stand idly by while these injustices take place. 

In Your Holy name we pray,


September 4, 2024 – 62 days until the election

A prayer for a fair election
Written by Karen Pennington, CWA State Director of Colorado


We are encouraged to “cast all your cares on God for He cares for you” (I Peter 5:7). We care about the election, knowing this is a spiritual battle for this nation and for righteousness. We ask that no weapon formed against this election prospers and that votes are counted honestly.

We ask for truth to spring from the earth and justice to rain down from heaven in this current time (Ps 85:11). Reveal the hidden things of darkness and bring them to the light for all to see in this election season (Job 12:22 ). Let all see that You control the course of world events, removing kings and setting up kings (Daniel 2:21).  You are in control of this election.

We know that You are in the events of our world at this time. God, quiet our hearts to hear Your voice and obey. You are welcome in this space and time You have planted us in and we rest in Your divine direction.

As we cast our cares on You during this season, we are encouraged, thanking and praising Your Holy Name that You are the God that is still on the throne. We pray “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

September 3, 2024- 63 days until the election

A prayer for the newest generation of voters
Written by Faith Ozenbaugh, National Director of Young Women for America

Lord, Your timing of all things is sovereign. Each member of my generation was placed here “for such a time as this.” Would You send revival amongst the young people in this nation? Grant us a fresh fervor for goodness, truth, and beauty. May our eyes and our flesh no longer be deceived by the things of this world that promise to satisfy, but don’t. Would our discontent with the state of our nation lead us to righteous action, rather than apathy.
May there be a fresh surge of young people engaging in this year’s election—voting for things that honor Your Name above all. Amen.

September 2, 2024- 64 days until the election

A prayer for eyes to see
Written by Diana Banister, Communications Consultant at CWA

Lord, our times and seasons are in Your hands.

We thank You for the many gifts You have given us, of life, of freedom and the blessing to live in a nation that is founded on Your truth. We pray that Your Truth will be known and the eyes of the blind be opened as to know which candidates will serve and honor You and implement policies that reflect that truth.

Above all, we pray that Your will be done in this year’s election and that our will conform to Yours. We pray this in Jesus’ name, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit be honor and glory, forever and ever.  Amen.   

September 1, 2024- 65 days until the election

A prayer for awakened spirits
Written by Kenda Bartlett, Chief Administrative Officer of CWA

LORD, we praise You as the Almighty,
The Rock on Whom we rest; the God of all creation
The One Who is and was and is to come.
We confess, Lord, that we have been a lukewarm people.
We have not acted in the strength You have given us.
We have been apathetic and have not sought Your Truth.
Thank You for having mercy on us.
Thank you for staying Your hand of judgement against us
And for allowing us to continue to serve You in the midst of our weakness.
We beg You, Lord, to awaken Your people.
Convict the hearts of believers so that they will rise to stand and proclaim Your Truth.
They will not be afraid to speak the words that the world needs to hear –
Words of healing and salvation.

In Your precious name we pray.

August 31, 2024- 66 days until the election

A prayer for bravery and fortitude
Written by Riley Swedberg, YWA Chapter President at Grand Canyon University

Dear Lord, Heavenly Father, we come before You today in reverence to You, the creator of all. As the 2024 election is upon us, we pray that hearts will be saved and that You will be glorified in all things.
We ask that people be saved and come to know You. Let us not stray away from being courageous in the darkness of this world and let us put on the full armor and be equipped to serve You through this election. 
I pray that people’s eyes are opened to the lies of the abortion industry. We humbly ask for you to bring peach from the chaos through your truth.
Let us remember Esther 4:14 to know that this may be the moment for which we were created. I pray that You put this deep into our hearts and allow it to spur us toward bravery and courage. I was made for such a time as this! 
Prepare each and every Christian to understand the depth of the darkness in our world so that we may be prepared to serve Your kingdom boldly without fear of the repercussions. 
We praise you today and everyday, our Heavenly Father.

In your holy name, amen! 

August 30, 2024- 67 days until the election

A prayer for incoming representatives
Written by Josh Perry, CWA’s Regional Director, External Relations 

Heavenly Father, I pray that our nation would elect representatives in November that reflect the values found in Your Word. That those elected would seek Your will and carry out their responsibilities for Your glory. 

I pray that we would not despair during these trying times that our country faces. May we be a people of action with joyful hearts that remain hopeful in times of trouble.

Psalm 46:1-3
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah”

August 29, 2024- 68 days until the election

A Prayer for American Voters
Written by Paige Nelson

Lord Jesus, thank You for the freedoms You have given us in the United States. We praise You for the ability to worship Your name freely and publicly, and I pray that we steward that blessing well.

Heavenly Father, I ask that You soften the hearts of every single voter in this country right now. Stir our hearts and focus our minds towards Your Word, toward Truth, and toward decisions that are pleasing to You.

I pray that You would remove our tendencies to be like Martha in this season: distracted by the world and fueled by personal achievement and ambition. In a moment of her distraction, You, Jesus, told Martha, “You are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary” (Luke 10:41).

Instead, Lord I pray that You would make our attention more like Mary’s. Move our eyes to transfix on You alone, coming to realize that close relationship with You is the good portion that You spoke of to Martha. 

38 Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.

41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary.[b] Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.

Let us not be captivated by the world in this season, but turn our gaze entirely towards You. I pray that more people in this country come to know You through this election, and that many of the votes cast are pleasing to You, not because of a specific bubble circled but because of our intention to be vessels for You.

Thank You, Jesus, for the blood You shed, for Your death and resurrection, without which we would have no life with You. We praise You for this opportunity to uphold Light and Truth. 


August 28, 2024- 69 days until the election

A prayer for our republic
Written by Katy Hergenreter, YWA Northern Regional Coordinator

Heavenly Father, I ask that you grant wisdom and discernment to every single state elector. I pray that all 538 electors will use their role to represent the people in their states.

I ask that you open their eyes and hearts to cast their vote according to Your will. I thank you that we are a republic designed so that no one majority can rule but every person has a voice and an opportunity to cast their vote.
“And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9-11).

August 27, 2024- 70 days until the election

A prayer of responsibility and obedience
Written by Annabelle Rutledge, Executive Vice President of CWA

Lord, we ask that you raise up individuals across this nation 
Who are ready and willing to participate in this election. 

Luke 12:48 tells us “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

We recognize that through your gift of salvation and your Word, we have been given much. We recognize that more is required of us as Christians. 

Prepare each of us to do everything in our power to impact our communities. 
Help us to humbly ask how you might use us during this time. 
Help us to be obedient when you speak. 

Let us be like Isaiah!
When he heard the voice of the Lord saying, 
“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”
He immediately said, “Here I am! Send me.” 

So we position ourselves as ready and willing to do our part. 
“Here I am! Send me.” 

August 26, 2024- 71 days until the election

A Prayer for the Nation
Written by Mario Diaz, Chief Counsel and Chief Operating Officer of CWA

Lord, we ask that you send forth Your light and Your truth
Into the dark places of our society.
When we hear of the many atrocities that take place
Such as child sex trafficking, aborting of babies, corruption, lies and deceit…
At times we don’t know what to do.
But we purpose to place our eyes on You, O God.

Your Word says that the prayers of Your people
Are powerful and effective! James 5:16 tells us that
     “The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer)
     can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—
    it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].” (AMP)

We also believe the truth found in Jeremiah 33:3 –
     “Call to Me, and I will answer you,
     and show you great and mighty things,
    which you do not know.”

Today we posture ourselves to call
Upon Your great and mighty Name with all our hearts!

You are the all-powerful, all-knowing God.
We ask that You “Summon your power, God;
Show us your strength, our God, as you have done before.” 
(Psalm 68:28 NIV)
We pray that You shine Your light into the dark places
Where wicked people are trafficking children.
Apprehend them, Lord!

“Let justice run down like water,
And righteousness like a mighty stream.”
 (Amos 5:24 NKJV)
May these evil doers not be able
To get away with their vile deeds any longer.
Break up their rings and set the little ones free,
In Jesus’ name!

Show us how we can be Your hands and feet in this time.
Give us Your wisdom and strategies, Lord!
You are moving in this hour,
And we purpose in our hearts to move with You!
We pray all these things in the mighty and all-powerful name of Jesus,
Trusting and believing that You hear us and will answer us.
